2021-07-22 5:01 AM
When i tried to give Pull ups for SPI pins except SPI1_SCK, i am getting FR_NOT_READY error.
I am completely stuck in this issue.
Please have a look into this and provide a solution for me.
Thanks in advance.
2021-07-22 10:41 AM
One could easily sink hours into this.
Any strong reason for not using the SDMMC interface and the working code available for that?
2021-07-22 1:46 PM
You should take a look at this:
And use the drivers that are linked in that post with the fatfs middleware. I got it successfully working on an stm32l476rg-nucleo with an SD card break out board from adafruit.
2021-07-22 2:36 PM
Yes, the AdaFruit SPI implementation (see BSP) for NUCLEO is also a good starting point but the NUCLEO-L476RG also supports SDMMC and will be significantly faster.
2021-07-22 11:56 PM
First i tried to implement using SDMMC interface. But 9 pin SD break out board is not available in our country. So i tried with SPI.
2021-07-23 3:38 AM
Thanks for the reply.
I have created new code as per the below link and used the driver files mentioned there.
Entire source code is attached here.
In user_diskio_spi.c file - line no. 337 - (send_cmd(CMD0, 0) is returning 0xFF.
I am using SDHC SanDisk card of size 16GB.
I tried with FCLK_FAST(); and FCLK_SLOW(); - Both are giving the same result.
I am using STM32H7A3 board.
2021-07-23 5:15 AM
A small update..
int spiselect (void) /* 1:OK, 0:Timeout */
CS_LOW(); /* Set CS# low */
xchg_spi(0xFF); /* Dummy clock (force DO enabled) */
if (wait_ready(500)) return 1; /* Wait for card ready */
return 0; /* Timeout */
This is returning 0 (Timeout) every time..
2021-07-23 5:20 AM
Please ignore the above update..
spiselect() is returning 1.
do {
res = xchg_spi(0xFF);
} while ((res & 0x80) && --n);
return res;
res is having value 0xFF.
2021-07-23 5:31 AM
Unfortunately there's probably not a lot of debugging support, try the library author for consultancy
Could be something electrical, so pull-ups, or how the chip-select transition before/after the transaction, or basic connectivity.
A scope or logic analyzer might help in this regard, as well as an understanding of the protocol for the SD/MMC cards.
2021-07-25 11:36 PM
I tried the SD card integration as per the link you mentioned. Do you have any idea on why i am getting send_cmd(CMD0, 0) is returning 0xFF.(user_diskio_spi.c line no.337)