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I am using STM32H7A3 board and integrated an SD card using SPI. I am trying to transfer a large file and found that in first card if the number of sector to read is coming as 64, read works upto sector 36.

Associate III

After 36, it will give error and exited from code.

I tried another card , the code will set the sector count to 16 and loops through it to make the read complete. As i am trying a large file, its taking so much time.

I just want to know, is the sector count ( 16 and 64 for the 2 cards) is solely dependent on card and whether i can change from code. What is the relevance of sector 36 if sector count is 64. Anybody please clarify these things...

Attached code for reference. Above I refer( 64 and 16) the value of cc in file ff.c ( line no.3557)




Could it relate to the cluster size being used by the file system on specific cards?

Perhaps look at those via "Properties" in Windows, or the metrics FatFs can provide.

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