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How to transfer files from USB flash drive into SD card inserted in STM32469I Discovery board


Hello everybody,

I have set an STM32469I Discovery as USB HOST MSC which has a SD card slot available. My idea is transfer all files contained in any USB flash drive connected to the USB port into the SD card ( supposing there is enough space capacity) and include some process to measure transfer speed.

Can anyone point me in the right direction regarding the process I should follow and the libraries I should use to pull this task off ?

Thank you guys for your help. I am starting in this STM32 world and very excited about it


I am not sure if I should do it file by file or copying by blocks( This concept I am not sure how to convert these blocks of data back into files). Conversion from blocks to files is automatic or should I do additional process to achieve it ? or is not doable in this way ? Help please

Depends on how involved you want to get with file system structures.

Most straight forward would be to use FatFs, enumerate through files, do a block/cluster sized copies. Duplicating timestamps and attributes

Perhaps skipping files that already exist. ​

Presume you want to replicate directory trees and content.​

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Thank you Mr, DeLorean,

My goal is to replicate directory trees and content at the higher speed possible. Considering I am just learning, have to start with the easiest way (FatFS is easier for me to understand) and fine tune step by step. All clear but doing "a block/cluster sized copies...", well guess I have to make my own research on this.