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How to stop the creation of MBED.HTM file in Discovery F407 USB driver

Senior III

Discovery STM32F407 USB Disk driver creates two files, details.txt and mbed.htm, I've searched for strings with these names but they must be encoded.

Anyone know how to remove them?


Are you trying to write USB Mass-storage (MSC) Device

Which USB connector are you connecting to?


The North End USB connector connects to the ST-LINK's STM32F103, it creates a faux drive so you can drag-n-drop .BIN files.

The South End USB is the one for the STM32F4, here you can code whatever function and descriptors you want.

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Senior III

Does STM allow clients access to the F103 code, I'd like to see if we can repurpose it.

> Does STM allow clients access to the F103 code


> I'd like to see if we can repurpose it.

You of course can, but you then loose its original functionality, i.e. can't use it as an ST-Link anymore.

There are folks who replace the original functionality with something else, e.g. see black mag=c debugger.


Senior III

Without any reference code, it's not going to be easy, are there instructions on reprogramming the F103 using it's current firmware?

No, once you reprogram it, you can't revert to STLink, ST does not publish the STLink's bootloader, not even as binary.