2022-10-27 6:20 AM
Hello, I have a mcu that works as a tcp server. I listen 2 port for connection, if i want to stop listening what must i do ?
I use this function to initialise port
void TCPServerInitialise( U16 usPort )
struct tcp_pcb *pstTcp_pcb;
/* create new tcp pcb */
pstTcp_pcb = tcp_new (); // allocate new tcp_pcb
if ( pstTcp_pcb != NULL )
err_t err;
/* bind pcb to port */
err = tcp_bind ( pstTcp_pcb, IP_ADDR_ANY, usPort );
CONSOLE_PRINT_1( "Tcp_Bind Err : %d", err );
if ( err == ERR_OK )
/* start tcp listening for pcb */
pstTcp_pcb = tcp_listen( pstTcp_pcb );
if ( usPort == stPRM.stTransParams.st485Cfg.usETHPort )
stTaskETH.pst_tcp_pcb_485 = pstTcp_pcb;
else if ( usPort == stPRM.stTransParams.st232Cfg.usETHPort )
stTaskETH.pst_tcp_pcb_232 = pstTcp_pcb;
/* initialize LwIP tcp_accept callback function */
tcp_accept ( pstTcp_pcb, TCPServerAcceptCallback );
CONSOLE_PRINT_1( "Port %d is up !", usPort );
EventInsert( eEventTcpInitFail );
/* deallocate the pcb */
memp_free ( MEMP_TCP_PCB, pstTcp_pcb );
I tried tcp_close ( stTaskETH.pst_tcp_pcb_232 ); and tcp_close ( stTaskETH.pst_tcp_pcb_232 ); but still i have issues tcp_close didnt clear variables.
2022-10-27 1:28 PM
What about "tcp_close( pstTcp_pcb )" (i.e. close the instance that you are "listening" with? When you close the pcb that you get from the "accept" call, the "listen" pcb is still active.
2022-10-27 3:37 PM
A very important question - does the project use RTOS? Also take a note that tcp_close() is not guaranteed to succeed.
By the way else if in the line 28 doesn't make sense. Take the if part away or introduce the third option with just an else.
2022-10-30 10:31 PM
No, Project does not use RTOS.
I use tcpcloseCallback function like below.
void TCPServerConnectCloseCallback( struct tcp_pcb *pstTpcb, struct echoserver *pstEs )
if( pstTpcb == stTaskETH.pstEs485->pcb )
stTaskETH.pstEs485 = NULL; // must be here
else if( pstTpcb == stTaskETH.pstEs232->pcb )
stTaskETH.pstEs232 = NULL; // must be here
/* remove all callbacks */
tcp_arg(pstTpcb, NULL);
tcp_sent(pstTpcb, NULL);
tcp_recv(pstTpcb, NULL);
tcp_err(pstTpcb, NULL);
tcp_poll(pstTpcb, NULL, 0);
/* delete pstEs structure */
if (pstEs != NULL)
/* close tcp connection */
This function always close connection successfully from client side but i cannot close port listening. I hope i could explain clearly