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How to create a STM32 project in CubeIDE to detect touch with custom lcd driver ili9488 with stm32f4

Associate II


I am a beginner in STM32. I am doing a POC to read the coordinates of the touch sensor tsc2004 with ili9488 LCD driver. My custom board uses STM32F429i disc board. But I am using an external LCD driver rather than ili9341 (built-in). Based on the coordinates and touch detection my screen has to change. I use STM32 CubeIDE and TouchGFX for Graphics configuration. I try to implement the touch sensor pin as interrupt pin. So, whenever a touch is detected the display screen has to change. This is my specification. Can anyone guide me what are the functions needed to customize?


Thank you in advance.

ST Employee

Hello @Shanmugapriya ,

This is an example of a TouchGFX demonstration" Firmware\Projects\STM32F429I-Discovery\Demonstrations\TouchGFX " for the STM32F429I-Discovery board, delivered by ST. It may assist you in identifying the most suitable configurations for your projects.
You can get the STM32F4 firmware package from this link: Package for STM32F4 series