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Hi team,I am developing a POC to change screen when we click an icon on the display in STM32 Cube IDE. I am using STM32F429I Disco board with ili9488 LCD driver and tsc2004 Touch Sensor Controller. I have developed the Graphics in TouchGFX designer. ...
Hi,I am a beginner in STM32. I am doing a POC to read the coordinates of the touch sensor tsc2004 with ili9488 LCD driver. My custom board uses STM32F429i disc board. But I am using an external LCD driver rather than ili9341 (built-in). Based on the ...
I am debugging a firmware for force measurement in STM32f429i in STM32 Cube IDE and TouchGFX. In that I am using ili9488 LCD driver with tsc2004 touch sensor. My issue is on the display screen I couldn't navigate to next pages i.e., touch is not dete...