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Hi to everyone. Where can we find the manual of the STM32CubeL4 where it explain how to set up the functionalities of the uC? (For example TIMx -> PWM generation -> with HAL and Cube generator)


I found the manual of the HAL drivers and uC datasheet, but unfortunately I can not find how to setup some configuration on "Device Configuration Tool" such as PWM generation modes and how the peripheral works. Could someone help me?

Where can I find how the HAL drivers works, I need for example the description of the HW functionaliteis and how to setup up it on the configurator...


Try These:

Also with STM32CubeMX for each STM32 Family you choose to generate projects for:

  • C:\Users\xxxx\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.17.2\Projects
  • See STM32CubeProjectsList.html


Note: For the examples ensure you choose the example matching the tools you are using (Careful, default selected tool in MX isn't to generate project for STM32CubeIDE). Not all examples are available for all tools, but search around and you'll find some.

The PWM is actually not bad, mostly you need to play with the settings with an oscilloscope hooked up to a PWM output signal.
