2020-12-23 8:57 PM
Hi I tested arm_rfft_fast_f32 function from CMSIS-DSP 1.4.5
i used external 16 bit adc to given input of the stm32f4 devlopment board using SPI DMA interface. This row count data from adc given to the input buffer that are given below
My Problem is that whenever i calculate magnitude using arm_cmplx_mag_f32(); the result of FFT_Output_Array all are zero.
so where am i wrong ??
Thank in Advance
#define Buf_Length 2048
#define Samples Buf_Length/2
arm_rfft_fast_init_f32(&fft_handler, Buf_Length);
for(uint16_t i=0;i<=(Buf_Length/2);i++)
FFT_Input_Array[i*2]=Rx_DMA_Byte_Array[i]; //Real Part Data
FFT_Input_Array[(i*2)+1]=0; //imaginary data
arm_rfft_fast_f32(&fft_handler, (float32_t *)FFT_Input_Array,(float32_t *)FFT_Input_Array_1,1);
arm_cmplx_mag_f32((float32_t *) FFT_Input_Array_1, FFT_Output_Array, Samples);