2019-09-05 5:07 PM
I have a shiny new Samsung EVO 32GB formated as 29.8GB Fat32
will it work ?
I have a H743
tried the FatFS application
it doesn't find the card.
FATFS_LinkDriver fails
2019-09-05 5:15 PM
Should do, ClockDiv should be constrained by driver code. FATFS_LinkDriver is before the file system touches it.
Any other cards working? Card Present signal?
2019-09-05 5:18 PM
Don't reformat or use mkfs on the card
2019-09-05 5:38 PM
Its a new card, I only save 2 text files .
no other cards here.
what value should we have for ClockDiv?
I have the SDMMC1.2 clock source set to 48MHz,
2019-09-05 5:46 PM
Probably going to constrain it to 4 down stream. The SDMMC unit should typically clock at 200 MHz, likely limiting wire clock to 25 MHz
Make sure the TRANSCEIVER option is disabled in stm32h7xx_hal_conf.h if you don't actually have one.
CubeMX generated?
2019-09-05 5:50 PM
not cube generated,, hacked an application in the repository...
I have a cube file but not sure the correct way to initialize it to read a file into ram.
2019-09-05 5:53 PM
gets stuck here in the cube file:
if(f_mount(&fs, "", 1))
f_open(&file, "sample1.txt", FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS); // < --- stuck here
2019-09-05 6:01 PM
f_mount, f_open, f_read
Link Layer failing precedes all that though
2019-09-05 6:12 PM
Likely stuck elsewhere...
Figure out what it is spinning on, and that you have IRQ handlers, etc.
EVAL example will be using the transceiver.
You have a debug uart? which/pins?
2019-09-05 6:13 PM
set SDMMC1.2 clock to 200MHz
added this, but now it wont compile.
Error undefined reference to `FS_FileOperations' H743_LCD_2 C:\Users\DAVE\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.5.0\Projects\H743-144-LCD1\Src\bios.c 250
if(FATFS_LinkDriver(&SD_Driver, SDPath) == 0)
res = f_mkfs(SDPath, FM_ANY, 0, workBuffer, sizeof(workBuffer));
if (res != FR_OK)
/* Unlink SD diskio driver */