2021-01-05 3:05 AM
2021-01-05 10:24 AM
Try the CubeH7 repository..
other FatFs examples
2021-01-05 8:37 PM
Thank You for your answer
Can i use the Eink display ?
2021-01-07 5:20 AM
Thanks For your reply
I am working on 7.8 Inch Eink paper Display , the eink paper display interfaced with STM32L4 Nucleo Board , the board Flash Memory is 1 MB but when i am Converting BMP image into C Array Using Bmpcvt Software then this c Array Add into our code the flash memory is 70% used in only one image so i am trying to get BMP image from SD Card and load the BMP image to display . so can you please tell me it is possible or not
if possible Can you please share the any Example code for STM32L4 Nucleo Board to get BMP Image And Load to display it is very helpful.
2021-01-07 11:35 AM
>>so can you please tell me it is possible or not
If these things are interfaced suitably I don't see why it is not possible.
You'll tend to be responsible for writing the drivers, and porting code from other ST boards and platforms to facilitate this.
ST's examples tend to revolve around hardware they ship, ie DISCO and EVAL boards, and not assorted random hardware you might assemble yourself.
Certainly within the family of L4 series parts ST has code of SD Cards, Fat Fs, screens, and frame buffers you can unpack your BMP data into.
In the past I've posted BMP tools for a number of colour depth formats that encompass. ST has probably damaged/destroyed some of that content in several of the forum migrations.
2021-01-07 8:59 PM
thanks for your response
i am porting the example : STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.8.0\Projects\STM32H743I-EVAL\Applications\Display\LTDC_PicturesFromSDCard
to STM32L4 Nucleo and check that is work or not
any suggestion of your please tell me.