2017-09-27 10:03 AM
I want to turn on the led attached to PC.9. I do this:
LL_GPIO_InitTypeDef initStruct;
LL_GPIO_StructInit( &initStruct );
initStruct.Mode = LL_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_10MHz;
initStruct.OutputType = LL_GPIO_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL;
initStruct.Speed = LL_GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_HIGH;
initStruct.Pin = LL_GPIO_PIN_9; // that equals 0x04020002
LL_GPIO_Init( GPIOC, &initStruct )
This code will actually init PC.2 (not PC.9 as it's supposed to) to output push-pull.
Why? LL_GPIO_Init does this:
pinpos = POSITION_VAL(GPIO_InitStruct->Pin);
&sharpdefine POSITION_VAL(VAL) (__CLZ(__RBIT(VAL)))
so pinpos will be equal to
))) which is equal to 1.Then current pin will be calculated like this:
currentpin = (GPIO_InitStruct->Pin) & (0x00000101U << pinpos);
so currentpint will be equal to 2.
And then
LL_GPIO_SetPinMode(GPIOx, currentpin, GPIO_InitStruct->Mode);
will be called, despite the fact that LL_GPIO_SetPinMode should only accept parameters like LL_GPIO_PIN_x.
I have already posted this bug here but it got mixed up with my own ignorance and stupidity so I haven't got a proper reaction. I believe it's time to post it again.
#hal-ll #ll-bug #software-error #bug #ll #stm32f1Solved! Go to Solution.
2018-03-19 10:08 AM
Just tested STM32CubeF1 Firmware patch Package V1.6.1 - GPIO works fine.
2018-01-31 1:43 PM
Just starting with STM32, my first 'blinky' program didn't work because of this same issue.
LL_GPIO_Init() is a bit of a mess. I changed it to make it work better. The key is looking at (only) bits 8..23
in GPIO_InitStruct->Pin to determine which of the I/O pins are requested.
By the way, I was puzzled that the function called LL_GPIO_SetPinSpeed() and LL_GPIO_SetPinOutputType() when mode
is LL_GPIO_MODE_FLOATING. Is there any way that could make sense, or is it indeed better to call these functions only
when the mode is LL_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT ?
Below is the modified code for LL_GPIO_Init()
ErrorStatus LL_GPIO_Init(GPIO_TypeDef *GPIOx, LL_GPIO_InitTypeDef *GPIO_InitStruct)
{ uint32_t pinmask; uint32_t pinpos; uint32_t currentpin; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_GPIO_ALL_INSTANCE(GPIOx)); assert_param(IS_LL_GPIO_PIN(GPIO_InitStruct->Pin)); assert_param(IS_LL_GPIO_MODE(GPIO_InitStruct->Mode)); assert_param(IS_LL_GPIO_PULL(GPIO_InitStruct->Pull)); /* make bitmask in which, for each requested I/O pin n, bit n is set */ pinmask = (GPIO_InitStruct->Pin & 0x00FFFF00U) >> 8 ; /* Initialize pinpos on first bit that is set */ pinpos = POSITION_VAL(pinmask); /* loop while any pins are left to configure */ while (( pinmask >> pinpos) != 0U) { /* skip if bit is not set */ if ((pinmask & (1U << pinpos)) == 0U) { pinpos++; continue; } /* with pinpos the number of an I/O pin to configure, */ /* calculate the corresponding value of type GPIO_LL_EC_PIN (see stm32f1xx_ll_gpio.h) */ if (pinpos < 8 ) currentpin = (0x00000101U << pinpos); else currentpin = ((0x00010001U << (pinpos-8)) | 0x04000000U); /* Pin Mode configuration */ LL_GPIO_SetPinMode(GPIOx, currentpin, GPIO_InitStruct->Mode); /* Pull-up / Pull-down resistor configuration*/ LL_GPIO_SetPinPull(GPIOx, currentpin, GPIO_InitStruct->Pull); if ((GPIO_InitStruct->Mode == LL_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT) /*|| (GPIO_InitStruct->Mode == LL_GPIO_MODE_FLOATING)*/) { assert_param(IS_LL_GPIO_OUTPUT_TYPE(GPIO_InitStruct->OutputType)); /* Speed mode and output type configuration */ LL_GPIO_SetPinSpeed(GPIOx, currentpin, GPIO_InitStruct->Speed); LL_GPIO_SetPinOutputType(GPIOx, currentpin, GPIO_InitStruct->OutputType); } pinpos++; } return (SUCCESS);}2018-02-01 11:32 PM
Looks the same as mine:
2018-02-02 8:00 AM
I think so. The LL_GPIO_Init() generated by the current version of STM32CubeMX is broken for any pin numbers above 7.
2018-02-02 8:29 AM
Yes, exactly. It's my conclusion as well. I only do not know how to make ST fix it;)
2018-02-06 1:31 AM
We will take in charge to check and raise this issue internally to the appropriate team.
Thanks for your contribution to highlight this issue.
Best Regards,
2018-02-18 11:43 PM
We run into the same issue and found this forum entry, which confirmed our observed behavior of the LL for STM32F1xx devices.
Has anybody a workaround to fix the issue?
Best regards Raphael
2018-02-19 12:58 AM
Quick fix is mentioned by me here:
In my case (PC13, PC15) I set the bits manually:
GPIOC->CRH = 0x24244444
Have no time to fix LL lib as it's time consuming and boring.
2018-02-19 1:17 AM
Dear Bogdan Golab
Thanks for the response and the hint to do it manually.
We generated the initial code with CubeMx for about 100pins and different peripheries. So to replace them manually is not fun. It looks like that we have to fix the LL or to switch back to the SPL.
Best regards Raphael
2018-02-19 1:26 AM
ST is going to take care of it but I have not got any confirmation if they reproduced the issue or not. Neither any info about the fix availability.
If you manage to fix the LL please share the fix with me.
I was initially excited when LL was available for STM32F1 but I think I need to wait a few releases for more mature lib. I do not like mixed LL and manual fixes.