2024-04-24 6:51 AM
I've got a Nucleo STM32L476 board and noticed in the STMCubeF4 Repo the demonstration for the Adafruit TFT 1.8'' with Joystick and SD Card reader.
I've found this quite interesting and ordered the Adafruit shield. Unfortunately I've got the Adafruit shield v2 that is using the so called Seesaw chip as and interface for the shield.
The demo example from the repo doesn't work with this v2 shield and it's hard to find any example that could be used to modify the demo to get the v2 shield running.
Did anybody has the same experience and could help here? Will ST work on a new version of the demo to support v2 as well?
2024-06-07 2:51 AM
Hello @bkneer,
It appears you might not have utilized the Adafruit_LCD_1_8_SD_Joystick Demo specifically designed for the NUCLEO-L476RG. I would highly recommend checking out this demo as it could provide the solution you're looking for.
You can find the project here: STM32CubeL4/Projects/NUCLEO-L476RG/Demonstrations on GitHub.
Important Note: For a comprehensive understanding of how the demo operates, please consult the README file available at: Adafruit_LCD_1_8_SD_Joystick README.
Best regards
2024-06-07 2:58 AM
of course I did try this demo. Unfortunately this one is only supporting the older HW version of the Adafruit lcd device but not the version 2 where they use their SeeSaw chipset.
the demo sw doesn‘t work with version 2 shield which is the version you currently get if you order one.
btw… the shield works on a Arduino board with Arduino example sw.
2024-07-16 2:23 AM
Hello @bkneer ,
Thank you for your interest in using the Adafruit TFT 1.8'' shield with the Nucleo STM32L476 board.
Unfortunately, I would like to inform you that we do not support the Adafruit TFT 1.8'' v2 shield for our product. The demo example you mentioned is specifically designed for the original version ( Adafruit TFT 1.8'' v1) of the shield .
However, you can use the old drivers for the Adafruit TFT 1.8'' shield v1 and modify it to be compatible with the v2 shield. This may involve adapting the code to communicate with the Seesaw chip interface. it could be a viable solution to get the v2 shield running with your setup.If you have any further questions or need assistance with other aspects of your project, please feel free to reach out.