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Trouble connecting STM32 with ST Link V3

Associate II


I currently working on a projet where I've ordered custom PCB with STM32F030C8T6 already installed by JLCPCB but I can't communicate with them.

I've connected the STM32 with 3.3V and ground and then I output the SWD and SWCLK pins. I connect the GND, SWD and SWCLK to the daughter board of STLINK to port CN6 on CLK, GND et DIO.

But when I connect the ST LINK to my computer the LED go red and I have a Fails.txt with "The interface firmware FAILED to reset/halt the target MCU"

Does someone know what I've done wrong or where can I found a solution. I've already searched on internet and I tried to put the Nrst pin to nrst of st link without succes and also boot to vcc or gnd but also wihtout success.


Start with a review of the schematic, and the orientation of the part.

I've posted diagnostic check lists to the forum in the past.​

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I could'nt find tyou diagnostic check list, the forum is not easy to search could you share the link please ?

Also, I've checked the schematics, the power is well connected as you can see here :

0693W00000GZMjgQAH.pngThe SWD and SWCLK are connected to an external connector :

0693W00000GZMk0QAH.pngThen I have the power from a power supply with 3.3V.

I've connected this way to the ST Link :

0693W00000GZMn4QAH.jpgRed : 3.3V

Green : SWCLK

Black : Ground

Blue : SWD

As for the software I'm using STM32CubeProgrammer

Here is the config and you can see the 3.3V is read :

0693W00000GZMogQAH.pngAnd when I press connect I've got this message : 0693W00000GZMpAQAX.pngWhat can I try ?

>>What can I try ?

Try a lower connection rate, 24 MHz is typically too high for CM0(+) devices, start with 2 MHz

Typically SWCLK,SWDIO and NRST are suggested.

A device that is not electrically functional will not respond.

Check NRST is normally HIGH, pulled-up internally

Check power on VDD/VDDA

Check part orientation

Check pin assignments and netlist

BOOT0 is typically pulled LOW externally so the part runs User Code properly out of reset.

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I've tried connecting the NRST but nothing change.

The NRST is HIGH when power is connected but BOOT0 is low (low but no connection why tested to the ground, whith the thing that bip on voltmeter, don't know the name in english)

Part orientation is correct if the dot is upper left next to the 1 and 48 pins

Pin assignment is correct.

If you don't have anymore idea, I think i'll try to add the NRST and boot0 pins out to easily connect them and redo the design. Thanks for your help and your patiente.

I've tried connecting the NRST but nothing change.

The NRST is HIGH when power is connected but BOOT0 is low (low but no connection why tested to the ground, whith the thing that bip on voltmeter, don't know the name in english)

Part orientation is correct if the dot is upper left next to the 1 and 48 pins

Pin assignment is correct.

If you don't have anymore idea, I think i'll try to add the NRST and boot0 pins out to easily connect them and redo the design. Thanks for your help and your patiente.

The NRST connection allows for a controlled reset, and acquisition of a connection.

BOOT0 floating can lead to undesirable operation out of reset when the supply rises slowly.

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Try to disconnect external oscin and osc out, check the package pin 1 is correct, maybe top or bottom view confusion... happens for connectors too. Sanity check.

Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

24 Mhz rate with wire jumpers is challanging.