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The SPI1 clock line is not working on the NUCLEO-F334R8 board



I am trying to get the above named board to work with an ILI9341 based display. But it is not working. I took a look at the SPI lines with a logic analyser. I saw that there was no activity on the CLOCK line. I switched to an alternative pin for the CLOCK signal but I did not get any result.

What could be wrong? Please find attached a copy of my project files for you to take a look at.

Thank you.


Have you checked the board's User Manual and/or schematics to see if there is anything else using that pin?

Can you toggle that pin just as a basic GPIO?


@mubarrakky wrote:

I saw that there was no activity on the CLOCK line.

Is there any activity on any other line(s) ?

Please post the schematic of how you are connecting the "ILI9341 based display"

1. I checked illustration in the STM32CubeIDE (see the picture below). There's a green LED called LD2 using that CLOCK LINE.

2. I can toggle the PIN as a basic GPIO.

3. There was activity on the MOSI, MISO and CS line.

4. This is as close to a schematic as I can get (see the picture below). I attached the updated code to this post. Let me know if you need any other info.


The display is being powered by +3.3V and GND.


Screenshot of the SPI signals.