2024-06-04 2:51 AM
Hi Friends,
I need Yours Help. I have working on STM32F407VET6 development board and I have to write on simple code like count the values. I want to see the data in SWO (Serial Wire Viewer).But using STM32CUBEIDE to flash the code to my code is not Done . Because, My board is not support to flash the code by using STM32CUBEIDE.So,I have using ST-LINK Utility to flash the code to my board. But SWO is correctly enabled but unfortunately count value is not print in the SWO viewer. So, how to I have the data in SWO Viewer. I have to attach the my software screenshot and source code for your reference that boxed line only I have add to see the count values. Thanks in advance for yours Guidance .
2024-06-05 4:05 AM
I talking with stm32 based blue pill board like STM32F103C8 (if this type Blue Pill board is Industrial Standard and another question is this blue pill board is manufactured by STmicroelectronics )
Can You have to give any tutorials complete course regarding STM32 in video format for your suggestion?
Example: To access the all peripherals step by step procedure using HAL Drivers.
2024-06-05 4:06 AM
@AScha.3 wrote:But i would recommend to buy (from his source in India) a STM board like this:
Yes, the "Discovery" and "Nucleo" are ST's low-cost development boards.
Depends if those "extras" are valuable to you - when they're not, I find they get in the way.
2024-06-05 6:04 AM
Again, it is 98% certain that any "Blue Pill" will not have a genuine STM32 on it.
@Vignesh_V wrote:is this blue pill board is manufactured by STmicroelectronics
@Vignesh_V wrote:Can You have to give any tutorials complete course regarding STM32 in video format
See also the STM32 MCU Developer Zone:
And ST's YouTube Channel: