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STM32L4 B-L475E-IOT01A WiFi module via USART

Associate II

I am using the STM32L4 B-L475E-IOT01A board with the following modules:
Wi-Fi module Inventek system ISM43362-M3G-L44

Bluetooth module SPBTLE-RF



The problem is that currently both are using SPI3 and both need different bits and prescalers to work properly. 

Therefore, I am trying to use USART3 instead of SPI3 for the WiFi module (since the BLE module has only one possible interface, SPI3).

My question: How to use the WiFi module via USART, so that I can use SPI for the BLE module? 

Or are there any other ways to use both modules simultaneously?




So you got it working with SPI3:

But you want to change to USART3 ?


Which part are you stuck on:

  • refactoring the STM32 code to work with USART3 ?
  • how to get the Inventek module to use its UART port ?
  • how to configure the B-L475E-IOT01A board hardware ?
  • other ?