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STM32H743 goes to hard fault during accessing of internal flash

Associate II


We are using STM32H743 microcontroller in our project. We are getting the hard fault exception during accessing of internal flash memory.

We verified the memory location in ST link utility and STM32CubeIDE.

In ST Link utility it is showing "10:50:08 : Failed to read memory @080C38E0!" error and in STM32CubeIDE it is displaying "????" in front of memory location as shown in below image.

0693W00000WIP2aQAH.pngAfter erasing the respective sector, it recovers from the fault. The above behavior is random for different memory location.

We are not able to debug why it is happening in runtime?

Can anyone tell us root cause for this issue and suggest the possible solutions to overcome this?

Thanks in advance.



Suggests the memory is throwing an ECC failure, ie not programmed, or programmed properly.

If this is a custom board, perhaps look for issues in the power supply, or programming phases.

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