2024-01-10 9:46 PM
i've recently purchased STM32H735G DK board.
When i connect it to PC via USB cable, it screen is showing output as per already programmed code and its working.
power LED (LD5) is green and STlink LED (LD6) is red.
But when ever i try to load a new code to this board, a msg is generated "fatal error st link no mcu found".
i'm unable to resolve the issue.
is it due to some jumper settings? i've kept all the jumper settings as default.
2024-01-11 12:05 AM
Hello @NSing.5 ,
Try to update the ST Link firmware.
Maybe you missed activate the sys->Debug.
Try connecting the BOOT pin to VDD.
2024-01-14 6:52 AM
2024-01-15 9:57 AM
Try using ''Connect Under Reset'' mode.
2024-01-15 8:04 PM
what is the process to"connect under reset"?
2024-01-15 8:06 PM
Try connecting the BOOT pin to VDD.
how it is to be done, is there any jumper setting?
2024-01-18 2:51 AM
i've tried the suggestion "connect under reset" as follows
but it is not working following msg is generated
2024-01-18 3:21 AM
Hi @NSing.5
I recommend you use latest release of STM32CubeProgrammer, instead of ST-LINK Utility.
Please follow this article that may help you: Unable to connect to STM32H7 devices - STMicroelectronics Community.
2024-01-20 8:44 AM
as suggested i've used STM32cube programmer.
Now the board is connecting to STM32cube programmer. it is reading memeory and other stuff from the board.
i've not erased the memory or programmed it from STM32cube programmer.
But still when i try to program it from IAR workbench, it is unable to program the board.
2024-01-20 9:14 AM - edited 2024-01-20 9:15 AM
Check IAR version and patches for support of H7 parts