2023-01-10 9:09 AM
Hi, I am looking for STM32F446RE Schematic Diagram. Can any Help me, where to find the Schematic Diagram of STM32F446RE, I have checked the documents of ST(https://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers-microprocessors/stm32f446re.html#documentation) I did not found there.
2023-01-10 10:19 AM
And what exactly do you mean by a "schematic diagram" of a microcontroller? The block diagram is at the beginning of the Reference Manual.
2023-01-10 5:26 PM
Schematics = pcb board design
2023-01-11 2:36 AM
Hello @ASaye.3 ,
You have the Schematics for NUCLEO-F446RE in this page:
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