2024-09-24 03:41 AM
I recently got a STLINK V3 SET and wondered if I could get some help setting it up to work with a board similar to the SMARTAG1. (I created a custom PCB with a very similar layout)
I was trying to follow this post: https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus/how-to-use-stm32cubeprogrammer-and-the-stlink-v3set-to-access/ta-p/49605
I have downloaded the required drivers and upgraded the firmware.
The custom PCB requires a >3.3V power supply. I was taking this from JP3 on the V3 SET. Unlike STLINK adapters part of Nucleo boards, I noticed that the CN3 RX of the V3 SET was not at 3.3V and thus not pulling up my NRST, VCC and SWCLK pins to 3.3V.
Why is this the case and how do I resolve it?
2024-09-24 03:53 AM
@isaacseeto wrote:a board similar to the SMARTAG1. (I created a custom PCB with a very similar layout)
That's very vague - you need to show your schematic & layout:
@isaacseeto wrote:The custom PCB requires a >3.3V power supply. I was taking this from JP3 on the V3 SET.
The ST-Link isn't intended to provide power to the Target.
2024-09-24 03:59 AM
Below is a schematic of my PCB:
I was using the Nucleo board to supply power to the target because I removed the battery from the design of the SMARTAG1.