2019-01-03 10:35 PM
I have been trying to connect to stm32f30f4p6 using SWD but it shows cant connect to the device.
But when i connect other MCU it is able to connect to it .
Also, stm32f030 connects to the utility in another laptop.
2019-01-04 12:55 AM
Tripple check your wiring. Try to connect under reset!
2019-01-04 2:51 AM
Check the electrical: MCU supply voltage, SWDIO and SWDCLK signals and ground, reset pin voltage level, boot pin level.
2019-01-04 5:40 AM
For external ST-LINK the target voltage needs to be applied to pins 1/2
>>Also, stm32f030 connects to the utility in another laptop.
Is the non-working one a DELL? Through a hub or expansion dock?
Different policies or AV software? Remote Diagnostic tools?
Different drivers? Upper or LowerFilters on driver stack?