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Riverdi SDMMC1 FR_NOT_READY error

Associate II

 I am encountering the FR_NOT_READY and FR_INVALID_OBJECT error when trying to mount the SD card and write a file in RVT101HVSFWCA0 Riverdi display. Could you please advise on how to resolve these issues?


Have you asked Riverdi ? 

ST Employee


According to the examples provided under

I don't see that you linked the driver using  FATFS_LinkDriver().


  if(FATFS_LinkDriver(&MMC_Driver, MMCPath) == 0)
    /* ..... Some code before */

static void FS_FileOperations(void)
  FRESULT res;
  uint32_t byteswritten, bytesread;

  /* Register the file system object to the FatFs module */
  if(f_mount(&MMCFatFs, (TCHAR const*)MMCPath, 0) != FR_OK)
    goto error;
 /* Some code after ... */


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I reviewed the example you provided and corrected my code. The MX_FATFS_Init() function is executed before the StartCARDTask() function. Now I can mount the SD card but I still have the same error when using f_open() or f_write ().






Please use </> button to show your code instead of sharing a screenshots of it.

What errors you get for these APIs?

What if you use the same example (as it is) from what I posted and adapt it to your Hardware (clocks+IOs)? do you get the same behavior?

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This is my code, I also tried your example and reconfigured the hardware but I still have the same error


uint8_t retSD;    /* Return value for SD */
char SDPath[4];   /* SD logical drive path */
FATFS SDFatFS;    /* File system object for SD logical drive */
FIL SDFile;       /* File object for SD */

/* USER CODE BEGIN Variables */

/* USER CODE END Variables */

void MX_FATFS_Init(void)
  /*## FatFS: Link the SD driver ###########################*/
  retSD = FATFS_LinkDriver(&SD_Driver, SDPath);

  /* USER CODE BEGIN Init */
  /* USER CODE END Init */
Disk_drvTypeDef disk = {{0},{0},{0},0};
/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/

  * @brief  Links a compatible diskio driver/lun id and increments the number of active
  *         linked drivers.
  * @note   The number of linked drivers (volumes) is up to 10 due to FatFs limits.
  * @PAram  drv: pointer to the disk IO Driver structure
  * @PAram  path: pointer to the logical drive path
  * @PAram  lun : only used for USB Key Disk to add multi-lun management
            else the parameter must be equal to 0
  * @retval Returns 0 in case of success, otherwise 1.
uint8_t FATFS_LinkDriverEx(const Diskio_drvTypeDef *drv, char *path, uint8_t lun)
  uint8_t ret = 1;
  uint8_t DiskNum = 0;

  if(disk.nbr < _VOLUMES)
    disk.is_initialized[disk.nbr] = 0;
    disk.drv[disk.nbr] = drv;
    disk.lun[disk.nbr] = lun;
    DiskNum = disk.nbr++;
    path[0] = DiskNum + '0';
    path[1] = ':';
    path[2] = '/';
    path[3] = 0;
    ret = 0;

  return ret;

  * @brief  Links a compatible diskio driver and increments the number of active
  *         linked drivers.
  * @note   The number of linked drivers (volumes) is up to 10 due to FatFs limits
  * @PAram  drv: pointer to the disk IO Driver structure
  * @PAram  path: pointer to the logical drive path
  * @retval Returns 0 in case of success, otherwise 1.
uint8_t FATFS_LinkDriver(const Diskio_drvTypeDef *drv, char *path)
  return FATFS_LinkDriverEx(drv, path, 0);

  * @brief  Unlinks a diskio driver and decrements the number of active linked
  *         drivers.
  * @PAram  path: pointer to the logical drive path
  * @PAram  lun : not used
  * @retval Returns 0 in case of success, otherwise 1.
uint8_t FATFS_UnLinkDriverEx(char *path, uint8_t lun)
  uint8_t DiskNum = 0;
  uint8_t ret = 1;

  if(disk.nbr >= 1)
    DiskNum = path[0] - '0';
    if(disk.drv[DiskNum] != 0)
      disk.drv[DiskNum] = 0;
      disk.lun[DiskNum] = 0;
      ret = 0;

  return ret;

  * @brief  Unlinks a diskio driver and decrements the number of active linked
  *         drivers.
  * @PAram  path: pointer to the logical drive path
  * @retval Returns 0 in case of success, otherwise 1.
uint8_t FATFS_UnLinkDriver(char *path)
  return FATFS_UnLinkDriverEx(path, 0);

  * @brief  Gets number of linked drivers to the FatFs module.
  * @PAram  None
  * @retval Number of attached drivers.
uint8_t FATFS_GetAttachedDriversNbr(void)
  return disk.nbr;
void StartCARDTask(void)
	for (;;)
		osDelay (1);
		// Montar el sistema de archivos
		res = f_mount(&SDFatFS, (TCHAR const*)SDPath, 0);
		if (res == FR_OK)
			printf("Tarjeta SD montada correctamente en la unidad '0:'.\n");
			res = f_open(&SDFile, "prueba", FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);
			if (res == FR_OK)
				// Escribir datos en el archivo
				res = f_write(&SDFile, "Hola, Mundo!", 12, &bw);
				if (res == FR_OK && bw == 12)
					printf("Archivo creado y escrito correctamente.\n");
					printf("Error al escribir en el archivo.\n");
				printf("Error al abrir el archivo.\n");
			printf("Error al montar la tarjeta SD. Código: %d\n", res);
		f_mount(NULL, "", 1);

		// Terminar la tarea
	osDelay (10000) ;



If you tried the example as it is and didn't work, you need to check your SD card: it could be corrupted or not compatible.

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I am using a type 10 SD card (10MB/s), which one do you recommend?