2020-09-20 10:20 AM
I am trying to write to the OTP on a STM32F412xx using version v4.5.0.0 of ST-LINK but am getting "Error occured during memory writing!" (note bad spelling is not mine but ST's :-))
The memory area for the OTP is 0x1FFF7800 and I can read it ok. I've tried 8/16/32 bit accesses but nothing works. It has never been programmed before and reads as all F's as you'd expect and the lock values are all F's as well.
2020-09-20 01:35 PM
Longstanding issue. Some workarounds here:
Might work if you can find v3.8 of STM32 ST-Link Utility:
Might work with STM32CubeProgrammer.
2020-09-21 12:28 AM
Yeah I did see that link but it's 4 years old so had assumed it was fixed by now.
I did create a mini .bin file with a single 32-bit word and program it that way. It's a bit time-consuming as you have to have a second .bin file with just 0x00000000 to program the 'lock OTP' word when you're done.
If I get a chance I might revert to the old v3.8 ST-Link as you suggested thanks. Doesn't sound like it should be much of a fix if they can just merge what has worked in the past, but anyway good that there is a workaround.