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Issues with connecting with st link board to stm32f103c8t6(Update)[resolved]

Associate II

So I just recently got an stm32f103c8t6, and I was able to connect to it with the serial pins connected to pins A8 and A9, but for whatever reason, I was not able to get it to connect with the St link v2 that I also ordered. For connections, I connected 3v pin to pin 1, as labeled in the user manual for the st link, ground to 20(power was working and the onboard power LED was on), SWIO to 7 and SWCLK to 9. I was unable to find a video of someone using the official st link online, as basically every video used a knockoff board. Is there something I'm not doing right?

Update, I was able to connect with stm32cubeprogrammer, but not write. I am able to connect with these settings:



hot plug

software reset

I can see the contents of the memory, but I am not able to write to them. Can someone explain what I am doing wrong?


Accepted Solutions

It is reporting the voltage observed at Pin 1

Pin 19 should be 3.3V, but not sure the the load it is allowing for.

Get a scope or meter and check it. Make sure the grounds are bonded.

Perhaps try using a bench supply.

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View solution in original post

Associate II

I'm writing this comment so that it can hopefully get shot up to the top and someone will see it

Does it give some kind of error?

Option Bytes, Write Protected?

Can you erase the part?

The file write is in a different pane, ST-LINK Utilities has a somewhat better interface.

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here is what ST-link utility gives me:

16:27:08 : ST-LINK SN : 36FF6A065250343813470343

16:27:08 : V2J35S7

16:27:08 : Connected via SWD.

16:27:08 : SWD Frequency = 4,0 MHz.

16:27:08 : Connection mode : HotPlug.

16:27:08 : Debug in Low Power mode enabled.

16:27:08 : Device ID:0x410

16:27:08 : Device flash Size : 128KBytes

16:27:08 : Device family :STM32F10xx Medium-density

16:27:17 : [blinkOnboardLED.bin] opened successfully.

16:27:17 : [blinkOnboardLED.bin] checksum : 0x00067F26

16:27:21 : Unexpected error

16:27:23 : Can not connect to device!

16:27:24 : Disconnected from device.

16:27:24 : Connection to device is lost: check power supply and debug connection.

16:27:24 : If the target is in low power mode, please enable "Debug in Low Power mode" option from Target->settings menu.

And here is what STM32CubeProgrammer gives me:

16:28:37 : ST-LINK SN : 36FF6A065250343813470343

16:28:37 : ST-LINK FW : V2J35S7

16:28:37 : Voltage : 1.56V

16:28:37 : SWD freq : 4000 KHz

16:28:37 : Connect mode: Hot Plug

16:28:37 : Reset mode : Software reset

16:28:37 : Device ID : 0x410


16:28:37 : Bank : 0x00

16:28:37 : Address : 0x4002201c

16:28:37 : Size : 8 Bytes

16:28:37 : Bank : 0x01

16:28:37 : Address : 0x1ffff800

16:28:37 : Size : 16 Bytes

16:28:37 : UPLOADING ...

16:28:37 : Size : 1024 Bytes

16:28:37 : Address : 0x8000000

16:28:37 : Read progress:

16:28:37 : Data read successfully

16:28:37 : Time elapsed during the read operation is: 00:00:00.012

16:28:47 : Memory Programming ...

16:28:47 : Opening and parsing file: blinkOnboardLED.bin

16:28:47 : File : blinkOnboardLED.bin

16:28:47 : Size : 4652 Bytes

16:28:47 : Address : 0x08000000 

16:28:47 : Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:

16:28:47 : Erasing internal memory sectors [0 4]

16:28:47 : Error: failed to erase memory

16:28:47 : Error: failed to erase memory

16:28:47 : RUNNING Program ... 

16:28:47 : Address: : 0x08000000

16:28:47 : Warning: The core is halted

16:28:47 : Start operation achieved successfully

Custom board?

The 1.56V reported seems inadequate, write/erase will need proper powering.

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I'm not sure how to set that, but I have the voltage hardwired to the 3.3v port on the St link v2, I believe it's pin 19​

It is reporting the voltage observed at Pin 1

Pin 19 should be 3.3V, but not sure the the load it is allowing for.

Get a scope or meter and check it. Make sure the grounds are bonded.

Perhaps try using a bench supply.

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Update: I was able to flash the memory, by connecting pin 1 to the voltage and powering over USB. Thanks for the help!