‎2020-03-13 9:24 AM
Good Morning,
I am currently using a Nucleo -board stm32g474re, but I am unable to configure eclipse to connect to the Nucleo using the ST-Link v3.
Is it possible to configure eclipse to debug using the ST-Link v3 of the Nucleo board?
In the past with Nucleo that had St-Link v2, I used a Segger tool to convert the St-Link to J-link.
Now with the new ST-link v3 this Segger tool is not compatible.
My goal is to be able to configure the project in eclipse so that I can use a simple USB cable to compile and debug.
Have any of you already had this problem and can you help me?
‎2020-09-22 6:28 AM
Have you found an answer or a solution to this question, in the meantime? Thank you, for sharing it! =)
So in the end I solved it like written here, using openOCD. Just adapted the target config file to use g4x.cfg
Get openOCD from:
To see registrers, you can get updated SVD file from here:
‎2020-09-22 8:57 AM
Hi, thank you for the answer.
No, in the end I used the j link.
thanks for the suggestion
‎2020-09-23 2:11 AM
How have you used the J-Link?
As far as I know, the on-board debugger ST-LINK/V3 is not supported by the Segger tool. Or am I wrong here?
‎2020-09-24 9:35 AM
Yes is true, the ST-Link v3 is not supported by Segger tool. I by-passed the ST link and i used the MIPI10 connector of nuceo board to link the j-link debugger (JTAG/SWD) of the Segger.