2023-03-19 4:17 AM
2023-03-19 4:28 AM
Is it a genuine or clone v2
2023-03-19 4:29 AM
2023-03-19 4:35 AM
When ı click open in uptade mode it is writing no device connection.
2023-03-19 4:43 AM
Dupe https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00002Bf6JcSAJ/i-have-stm32f334c8-and-when-%C4%B1-want-to-debug-a-code-from-stm-cubeide-program-sayingno-stlink-device-detected-what-can-%C4%B1-do-about-this
Open in Update mode
Wait for drivers to load, or check Device Manager.
Is this the Discovery Board?
What version of Windows?
2023-03-19 5:06 AM
Yes, discovery board.
Windows 11.
2023-03-19 5:19 AM
I checked device manager. And it said drivers are already updated.
2023-03-19 5:40 AM
Do you get the Windows attach/detach sound when you click "Open in Update Mode" ?
The version information usually doesn't populate until it is in update mode.
Can you try a different machine?
Cable? or USB port?
Is this using a hub or docking station?