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I am developing a board that shall work with a Computer. The last project I developed I was suggested to ask to online support to give a review about my design to optimize it (I have not a very deep knowledge of electronics, after all). Does anyone know h

Associate III

I can help you. You can explain your design and requirements. And ask your question.

Associate III

Thank you! The idea is to use a STM32F103C (it would be the core of a BluePill) to build a simple keyboard/joystick that communicate as an USB HID. The difficult part of this is that the project is price oriented, and so the final goal is to produce a pcb that it is cheap as possible. Can I upload here the schematics so you can tell me if it would work?

I think it's better if I upload the file directly.

I was thinking on mounting a 6-pole jumper to use just one USB port and commute the pins between the programming and the USB host if this could work

Mr AKuma, I have uploaded the pdf. Would you rather have uploaded a picture of the scheme?

I really would like to have your opinion.


Pull BOOT0 LOW normally, provide means to change for programming via System Loader, add some decoupling capacitors.

Provide some methods for debugging programming.

Avoid use of PA13/PA14 so the debugger can use.

Consider USART1 PA9/PA10 programming, or debug output, see AN2606

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Thank you. I am not sure I understood everything correctly, but this should be better


Please bear with my ignorance in this sector. I really would like to have an opinion on this circuit and I am doing my best.

Associate III

I am sorry, I need more information.

In the schematics decoupling has been provided with capacitor C3. The Pin PA13/14 have been freed (Previously it was used according to an example i found with a Bluepill on youtube). I am not really sure if I need to add a transistor on DP line of STM32 as pictured on AN2606.

Please give me more suggestions.
