2020-09-20 1:41 PM
I'm working with the STM32-base template for F4 located here:
To compile with gcc toolchain and loading the binary with STLink Utility. The binaries work fine on the board, but I cannot figure out how to enable Serial Wire Output (SWO) in the STLink Utility interface or get a serial output to show up. I've added IE:
#include <stdio.h> // up top
printf("hello world"); // in main()
ITM_SendChar('s'); // alternatively, in main()
All of which seems to compile fine, I can get a blinky LED On the port fine, but no serial output.
STLink Utility is v.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-09-22 3:24 AM
The system core clock value is available in 'SystemCoreClock' variable (must be 168M for you),
The ITM_SendChar function use stimulus 0, so:
swoInit (0x1, SystemCoreClock , 2000000);
The bItmAvailable variable must be initialized to 0, and it is set to 1 only if the SWO init succeed.
To printf to the SWO I think it is necessary to modify the _write() function in syscall.c
The "SWD Frequency = 4,0 MHz." frequency is related to debug communication (SWD-SWC pins), not to SWO.
Your template mail.c file doesn'i initialize anything. Dou you have a function like SystemClock_Config() to initialize the MCU clocks ?
Does the LED blink rate match what you want?
2020-09-20 2:21 PM
Make sure the SWO/PB3 solder bridge is made.
Ensure you tell the tool what speed the core is actually running at.
2020-09-21 1:07 AM
Thank you clive. In the STM32F407G-DISC1 manual (UM1472, page 27), the corresponding solder bridge seems to be SB12, is that right? This is soldered on the back of the board (there seems to be a small smd resistor across it, I did not solder this myself).
How can I determine the core speed? I see a file 'system_stm32f4xx.c' in the project with:
#if !defined (HSE_VALUE)
#define HSE_VALUE ((uint32_t)25000000) /*!< Default value of the External oscillator in Hz */
#endif /* HSE_VALUE */
#if !defined (HSI_VALUE)
#define HSI_VALUE ((uint32_t)16000000) /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/
#endif /* HSI_VALUE */
Is it potentially one of these?
Thanks again.
2020-09-21 1:53 AM
Typically depends on the clock source you are using, most often PLL at 168 MHz
HSE_VALUE here should be 8 MHz, check also your PLL divider in main.c, and setting for HSE_VALUE in stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h
2020-09-21 2:23 PM
To ena
Initialize the SWO trace port for debug message printing
portMask : Stimulus bit mask to be configured
cpuCoreFreqHz : CPU core clock frequency in Hz
baudrate : SWO frequency in Hz
void swoInit (uint32_t portMask, uint32_t cpuCoreFreqHz, uint32_t baudrate)
uint32_t SWOPrescaler = (cpuCoreFreqHz / baudrate) - 1u ; // baudrate in Hz, note that cpuCoreFreqHz is expected to match the CPU core clock
CoreDebug->DEMCR = CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA_Msk; // Debug Exception and Monitor Control Register (DEMCR): enable trace in core debug
TPI->SPPR = 0x00000002u ; // Selected PIN Protocol Register: Select which protocol to use for trace output (2: SWO)
TPI->ACPR = SWOPrescaler ; // Async Clock Prescaler Register: Scale the baud rate of the asynchronous output
ITM->LAR = 0xC5ACCE55u ; // ITM Lock Access Register: C5ACCE55 enables more write access to Control Register 0xE00 :: 0xFFC
ITM->TCR = 0x0001000Du ; // ITM Trace Control Register
ITM->TPR = ITM_TPR_PRIVMASK_Msk ; // ITM Trace Privilege Register: All stimulus ports
ITM->TER = portMask ; // ITM Trace Enable Register: Enabled tracing on stimulus ports. One bit per stimulus port.
DWT->CTRL = 0x400003FEu ; // Data Watchpoint and Trace Register
TPI->FFCR = 0x00000100u ; // Formatter and Flush Control Register
// ITM/SWO works only if enabled from debugger.
// If ITM stimulus 0 is not free, don't try to send data to SWO
if (ITM->PORT [0].u8 == 1)
bItmAvailable = 1 ;
ble SWO on F4:
2020-09-21 11:32 PM
Thanks Nikita! I put this in main.c and called it as swoInit(0xFFFFFFFF, 168000000, 2000000); I also had to set bItmAvailable (=1) since it doesn't appear in the code anywhere. Are these arguments correct, and if not how do I determine what they should be? In STLink Utility, the SWV window shows "SWV Frequency: 2000kHz". But also, when I connect to the board, I get a console message "SWD Frequency = 4,0 MHz."
Calling as above does not allow me to print anything to the SWO console with printf.
Thanks again.
2020-09-21 11:39 PM
Thanks Clive. Where do I find the PLL clock source? Setting HSE_VALUE to 8MHz here and System Clock to 168MHz doesn't show anything on the SWO viewer in STLink Utility. The 'main.c' file is here:
I don't see anything in there that looks like a PLL divider.
There isn't a file 'stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h' in any of the linked files; there is a file 'stm32f4xx_hal_conf_template.h' here:
Any idea what/if I need to change in any of these?
Thanks again
2020-09-22 3:24 AM
The system core clock value is available in 'SystemCoreClock' variable (must be 168M for you),
The ITM_SendChar function use stimulus 0, so:
swoInit (0x1, SystemCoreClock , 2000000);
The bItmAvailable variable must be initialized to 0, and it is set to 1 only if the SWO init succeed.
To printf to the SWO I think it is necessary to modify the _write() function in syscall.c
The "SWD Frequency = 4,0 MHz." frequency is related to debug communication (SWD-SWC pins), not to SWO.
Your template mail.c file doesn'i initialize anything. Dou you have a function like SystemClock_Config() to initialize the MCU clocks ?
Does the LED blink rate match what you want?
2020-09-24 4:49 AM
Aha! Yes, this gets it working for ITM_SendChar(). The system clock I set in STLink Utiliy for SWV was 168MHz. I'll write a more full reply tomorrow when I can more fully go through the points in your post, but it's great to have some character output finally. Thank you!