2019-08-06 7:52 AM
I am working with STM32F413H discovery board so far, it was working fine with inbuilt debugger but this reference board raising error like "Error in initializing ST-LINK error" while flashing.
So is it necessary to reset using cube programmer if so how ? and can we get firmware back what initial is running?
IDE : STM32cube IDE
development board :STM32F413H
2019-08-06 8:08 AM
If you didn't save the original firmware first there isn't a magic button to get it back.
You could look in the Applications/Demo directories for the ST32F413-DISCO under the CubeF4 HAL trees for a buildable projects or .HEX files.
Integration of CubeIDE and OpenOCD currently seems very poor and unstable, consider better tools?
2019-08-06 8:26 AM
hi clive ,
I am not clear about your answer, My question is like I am not able to flash the demo code into the board as it is showing like "ST- LINK connection error"
I am not understanding why this issue has been arrived suddenly, I can see com port in device manager please suggest me how to over come from this.
Regards, Nitish
2019-08-06 1:22 PM
Well if code on your device breaks the debug interface pins or powers down it won't be connectable.
Try "Connect Under Reset" options
Try pulling BOOT0 High so your code in FLASH doesn't run.
2019-08-06 10:55 PM
Thanks Clive ,
I have installed the STM 32 CUBE Programmer,In that GUI As you told "Connect Under Reset" option , I tried to do chip erase under reset but getting error like "No connection established before performing the erase" . what is procedure of "Connect Under Rest" can you please elaborate .
and one more thing after pulling BOOT0 High , can I need to make that pin Low while flashing ?
2019-08-16 6:29 AM
Continues here https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000BD4hWxSQJ/error-in-initializing-stlink-error