2018-04-20 6:51 AM
Are STM32F746-DISCO and STM32769-DISCO ST-Link not supposed to be used to debug external STM32s? The T_NRST (the pin that controls the NRST pin of the target MCU) is not given out in the SWD connector, it can only be indirectly reached through the on board MCU's NRST pin. Moreover, I could not have seen any headers to cancel out the other connections between ST-Link and the on Board MCU.
Can these two boards be used to debug external MCUs and leave the on board MCU unattended while doing so?
#st-link #stm32f746-disco #stm32769-disco2018-04-20 7:01 AM
Is it really worth the faffing about:
Both of these boards are significantly more expensive than buying a genuine standalone ST-Link;
And cheap Chinese clone ST-Links are a fraction of the price of a genuine ST-Link.
2018-04-20 10:35 AM
>>Is it really worth the faffing about
I wouldn't use a $50-90 board to do external debugging, the risk of damage is high, and the alternatives cost $3-4
You could also pick a cheap Nucleo and break off the debug portion.