2021-08-18 5:48 PM
I have designed a costimazed PCB board based on NECLEO-H743Z12 board, and I have removed the build in STLink debugger, hoping that I will use the external STLink/V2 programmer via SWD. I have followed the schematics data sheet and connected pins [3.3V, GND, TMS, TCK, SWO] directly to H7 chip pins [PA13, PA14, PB3, VDD,GND]. I’m using the STLink software tool to detect the chip but till now I’m constantly getting error messages that the target chip is not detected.
What am I missing, am I doing something wrong ? Is it possible to program this chip directly? and how ? I will really appreciate your help as I’m new and this is my first customize design.
thanks !
2025-03-17 3:23 AM
I am using external STLink V2 programmer connecting SWDIO, SCLK and GND
2025-03-17 3:24 AM
I am first trying to connect it to stm32 cube programmer
2025-03-17 4:13 AM
Have you tried connecting under reset?
2025-03-17 4:31 AM
Yes, but no luck. I am wondering if STlink V3 would be of any help? Currently not available with me to test.
2025-03-21 2:01 AM
Please check these articles, if it can help:
Unable to connect to STM32H7 devices
How to unbrick an STM32H7 after setting the wrong power mode
2025-03-21 2:54 AM
it can help to give a power cycle while holding the reset and then connecting under reset
2025-03-21 4:54 AM
I am now able to connect to the target, found out my debugger is faulty. But, still facing problem after programming the controller. The program is simple LED toggle. I have checked the power supply configuration HAL_PWREx_ConfigSupply(PWR_DIRECT_SMPS_SUPPLY); The MCU is getting connected only when Boot0=1 after programming it got disconnected. Attached the log of cubeprogrammer.
2025-03-21 8:49 AM
Where did you set your first breakpoint?
2025-03-21 9:08 AM
There is no breakpoint in the code
2025-03-21 9:42 AM
Add a breakpoint as early in the code as possible. In SystemInit. And then step through the code.