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[BUG] ST-Link firmware verification - No ST-LINK detected message since 1.4.x update.

Associate III

On Windows 10, I just updated (again) to the 1.4.2 version, hoping to solve this issue, yet nothing changed.

Already tried a clean install (again) and re-installed the latest STM32CubeProgrammer: nothing changed.

Will ST handle this sooner or later please? Or at least give some help in diagnosing the problem? Thanks


I have had the same problem, and following the installation instructions of the dll file, everything works fine now.



You can install (not update) STM32CubeIde v1.5.0, the new libusb dll is installed now.



Good day! I faced a similar problem in STM32CubeIDE version 1.5.0, but with another ST-Link firmware version: "V2J37A1 - STM32 Debugger + Audio(VCP)". STM32CubeIDE is giving error message: "No ST-LINK detected! Please connect ST-LINK and restart the debug session".

I tried to solve this problem according the advices in this topic and updated stlink-server from the newest version, but it didn't work. After that I have changed files in folder "stlink_server" on older version, and my ST-Link has worked!

Can you solve this problem with firmware version "V2J37A1 - STM32 Debugger + Audio(VCP)" in the next version of STM32CubeIDE, please?

Thanks for your support!) 


So is there any fix for this yet?

STM32CubeProgrammer 2.9.0 can't even detect the L031K6 nucleo st link.

STM32CubeIDE 1.8.0 does see it but won't use it.

Fortunately I can update it to mass storage mode, that works, but debugging would be nice.


I have installed latest version of STM32CubeIDE which is 1.13.1. I am facing the same problem of ST-Link not detected. I tried solving the issue following your guides but it's not being resolved. If you could please guide me how can I resolve this issue. I would be really grateful.