2020-08-17 7:03 AM
On Windows 10, I just updated (again) to the 1.4.2 version, hoping to solve this issue, yet nothing changed.
Already tried a clean install (again) and re-installed the latest STM32CubeProgrammer: nothing changed.
Will ST handle this sooner or later please? Or at least give some help in diagnosing the problem? Thanks
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-08-26 8:49 AM
Yes of course, it will be included for next releases.
Edit after it was marked as best answer :
The libusb dll v1.0.23 is now installed with STM32cubeIde v1.5.0 installer.
So, no need to patch it, just install (not update) STM32CubeIde v1.5.0.
2020-08-17 7:07 AM
Forgot to add:
2020-08-17 10:30 PM
It sounds that there is some problem with the installation but you have already tried clean installation. Did you download the installer again, before re-installation?
Could you please try some of these ways to identify the reason of this problem.
Try to use OpenOCD
Instead of ST-LINK GDB server try to use OpenOCD. Open the Debug Configuration and change to gdb server to OpenOCD. Does it work to debug with OpenOCD in STM32CubeIDE?
ST-LINK GDB server
Try to run ST-LINK GDB server manually from console view. Open File explorer and search for ST-LINK_gdbserver.exe in STM32CubeIDE installation. Open this folder and change directory in console view to this one. E.g. C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.4.0\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.stlink-gdb-server.win32_1.4.0.202007081208\tools\bin
Then search for STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe in STM32CubeIDE installation (start search from root of STM32CubeIDE installation). Open this folder. E.g. C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.4.0\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.cubeprogrammer.win32_1.4.0.202007081208\tools\bin
In console view start ST-LINK GDB server with parameters -d (swd mode) and -cp (folder location to CubeProgrammer) E.g.
C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.4.0\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.stlink-gdb-server.win32_1.4.0.202007081208\tools\bin>ST-LINK_gdbserver.exe -d -f mylog.txt -cp C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.4.0\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.cubeprogrammer.win32_1.4.0.202007081208\tools\bin
What does it log in console or into log file ?
More info about ST-LINK GDB server and how to connect to use it is found from STM32CubeIDE "Information Center". The STM32CubeIDE User manual also contains detailed info. This User manual is not yet included in documentation listed in Information Center but can be found here:
2020-08-18 2:19 AM
Hello, thank you so much for your answer.
Yes, each re-installation attempt was made with the most recent installer available on the website.
Selecting OpenOCD changes nothing actually, the exact same error pops up immediately as soon as I try to start a debug session.
I just tried to start the ST-LINK GDB server manually from the console, following your instructions and the server seems to start actually! I attached the log file.
By the way, all the folder names on my setup are identical to the ones you posted, so I'm guessing my tools versions are correct right?
Having the ST-LINK GDB server started in the console, I tryed to change the debug configuration to "Connect to remote GDB server" instead of "Autostart local GDB server" and it worked (both selecting ST-LINK GDB and ST-LINK OpenOCD), so it seems the IDE can't start the server for some reason... Any clue how can I discover why?
Thanks again so far, your help is much appreciated.
2020-08-18 2:27 AM
Can you check that the stlink server exe is installed properly and running in task manager ?
2020-08-18 2:28 AM
Sure but how? I thought the server is actually started when I start a debug session from the IDE?!
2020-08-18 2:45 AM
The STLink Server is a utility which should be started by STM32CubeIDE when a debug session is started. It is not the same program as the ST-LINK GDB server. The STLink Server makes it possible for several applications to connect in parallel to an ST-LINK. The "STLink Server for STLink devices" is when it is running listed in Windows Task Manager - Users tab.
When ST-LINK GDB server is started manually you can add the -t option to let STLink Server to start.
Please try this and observ in Task manager if server is started and running.
2020-08-18 3:02 AM
Got it.
Well, for sure the IDE does not start it, because the debug session doesn't start at all (that error shows immediately when I click the debug button).
I tried adding the -t option to the command line but with that the ST-LINK GDB server refuses to start, and of course no STLink Server in the Task Manage (see the attached log).
2020-08-18 3:07 AM
I just checked from the Windows Control Panel: "STMicroelectronics stlink-server" is installed, version 1.3.0-4.
2020-08-18 4:05 AM
Can you start it manually and see if it stays running in task manager please.
If yes, try again a normal debug.