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SPI interface for STM32L476VG


STM32L476VG is the MCU we are interfacing with ST25R3911B using SPI.

what we have understood from some search is that we need RFAL (abstraction layer) to interface with RF HAL.

Then once we integrate RFAL and RF HAL in our system workbench(ac6) project we need to build the integration then use SPI calls to read the register from RFID reader ST25R3911B

we wanted to use ISO-14443A standard to be configured and read the values.

where do we get the basic RFAL work space or code flow so that we shall use in our current project?

Kindly guide us and let us know are we in right path?

190 REPLIES 190
ST Employee


this means that the ST25R3911B has transmitted a REQA or WUPA message but has not received any answer from the tag (4 = ERR_TIMEOUT). Therefore the SW is properly working and the issue is:

  • Either your tag is dead ==> check that your tag is functional (e.g. use an NFC enable Android phone and read your tag)
  • or the reader antenna has an issue (wrong matching circuit, etc.) ==> check the HW with your HW engineer. If you need to prove that the SW is working, ask you HW engineer to connect a X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 board on the SPI + IRQ +power supply instead of the ST25R3911B on your board (==> i.e. to use the ST25R3911B from the X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 and its antenna and its matching circuit).



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Hi BT,

Thanks for the reply..i will do this and update you and ping you if I need any pointers or help..thanks for all your support.




Hi BT,

As we were debugging the SPI ..we have connected the existing board with  X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 board and checking for antenna ..this activity is going on..we will keep you posted once this works.

Mean while I would like to know whether there is any simulator where I can write other application program and test for our application in C.Kindly let me know



Hi Ravi,

there is no simulation of ST25R3911B available. As indicated by Brian 3 messages above please use a cross-connected X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 to be able do your SW development.

Regards, Ulysses


Hi Ulysses,

yeah I am not asking simulation for ST25R3911B  ..but for other application program for which I can write C program and simulate.

let me know if this can be done





since we are workking on STM32L476RG...for this do we have simulator so that we can write our application program??


please check in STM32 support package / community.

Regards, Ulysses


Hi BT,

As we were trying to get Disco board with STM32L476VG along with  X-NUCLEO-NFC05A1 board on the SPI + IRQ, we are not seeing SPI initialized..

we integrated as we did previously..also PA5 ,PA6 ,PA7 are SPI1 pins..I am getting Platform log prints fine..Demoini is not working..kindly let me know what needs to be changed or checked.

thanks and regards



Hi BT,

I had not selected the CS pin..made the changes..attached is the main.c file..I am still getting SPI init failed..Kindly let me know.

thanks and regards



Hi BT,

In continuation with connecting NFC05A1 woth discovery board STM32L476VG and did all the integration of RFAL along with drivers.

we exactly are stuck at the same point as previous where SPI is passing and it is going till ST_discovery

platformLog("inside ST_discovery\r\n");

after that RFAL activation is not working..even if we put print in rfalNfcaPollerCheckPresence in rfal_nfca.c we are not seeing the print.

Any pointers as to where we need to do the change and get the RFID working...this is for ISO14443A

Kindly help us out so that then we shall connect STM32L476RG and test the customized board.