2014-03-23 3:37 AM
I have designed a board using a L6482 chip.
My L6482 has started, and I can send and receive messages a través de SPI bus, but now I have a problem: My STATUS register says:1110 0000 0000 0011
(Get Status Command = 0xE003). It means:OCD
= 1 --> overcurrentBUSY
= 1 --> StoppedHiz
= 1 --> Bridges in High Impedance State.The problem occurs
without connecting the
...! Just turn on the power, and my L6482 gets quite hot, but I have measured the total current of the board, and it is only 0.1 Amp.Configuration:
I have read AN4354 and UM1685 Application note and User Manual, in order to calculate config values of my board: OCD_TH = 1000mVTCC = 1200 nSg
IGATE = 64 mA TBLANK = 500 nSg TDT = 250 nSg I use 3.3v external power supply: VCCREG, VREG and VDDIO are connected to this 3.3v external power supply. I use VSREG and internal regulator for obtaining VCC=15v. VCC pin is unconnected. I am using Mosfets STB75NF75L with D2PAK package, of ST Microelectronics manufacturer. My Rsense =200mΩ
, is it a too high value? So I think the problem could be:Bad values in registers of configuration. (AN 4354, chapter 2.4: Too low gate charge to complete the Miller plateau region...?)
Bad connections of: Vs, VSreg, Vccreg, Vcc, Vdd, etc.......
2014-06-12 12:09 PM
I have put BAR43SFILM diodes, and afterwards I was checking voltages.
With VS = 24v, I have tested them with a Fluke multimeter :In EAVAL6482H R1.0 board:
VCCREG = 7,59v
VREG = 3,23vIn my board:
VCCREG = 6,86 -- 6,97v
(too low, it is in the limit of UVLO alarm)VREG = 4,62v
(too high, it should be 3,3v.....) I see that in my board VCCREG is in the limit of UVLO alarm, and VREG is too high, but I do not understand what coud be the reason, because they are internal regulators...2014-06-14 4:36 PM
I am thinking in testing VREG and VCCREG with a board before mounting their 8 Mosfets, in order to know more about so strange values of voltages.
Is it possible, or L6482 microcontroller could be damaged?2014-06-15 12:40 AM
I have also bought
Mosfets. That way, at this moment, I have two boards:Board with STB75NF75L (D2PAK)
Mosfets, and Vccreg= 7,5vBoard with
Mosfets, and Vccreg= 15vBAR43SFILM
low drop diodes. I have tested them, and obtained the same results. In this project I am using bigger Mosfets than in EVAL6482H example board. so, my question is:Is
L6482Hable to drive
s? In other case,Could be a problem in configuration values, or
in which
the configuration sequence
is done
? Comparing, typical values of ''Total Gate Charge'' forSTD25NF10T4
is 55 nC with 10 Vgs = 10V, whilstSTB75NF75L
needs 75 nC and Vgs = 5V
, andSTB80NF10T4
needs135 nC a Vgs = 10V.
I am asking about it, because I always found problems about OVERCURRENT, THERMAL_WARNING, THERMAL_SHUTDOWN......2014-06-19 6:09 AM
I have the some problems like ramirez_prieto.valen. I was not able to run L6482. The communication is good (checked on osciloscope). I read all of parameter back to uC and the numbers are the same. But I am still not able to does RUN AT SPEED command for motors 0,5 Amps, 1,5 Amps, 3 Amps - Nothing. Status is all of time 0xE003. The L6482 didn't set just one MOSFET Gate pulse but still claim OCD. I presumed that the driver will generate at least one Gate pulse and after that it can claimed the OCD. Is it true?
2014-06-22 12:29 PM
I have found the solution of one of my (small) problems
:In my board, some voltages were wrong:
VCCREG = 6,86 -- 6,97v
VREG = 4,62v
I had forgotten
to put the condenser
Now all voltages are exactly equals to voltages checked on the EVAL6482H board. When I was thinking about VREG stabilization, I checked differents documents of ST (Application Notes, Manuals of Boards, etc), and all of them give different solutions :
UM1685 (pg.17) VREG uses two condensers: 22uF and 100nF VDD uses one condenser: 100nFAN4355 (pg. 5) VREG uses two condensers: 47uF and 100nF VDD uses two condensers: 10uF and 100nFUM17656 (pg.9) VREG uses one condenser: 220nF VDD uses one condenser: 100nFWhich one is the right one? or at least Which one is better?
2014-06-22 2:18 PM
Afterwards, I have mounted two boards, for comparing their behaviors:
One board with
Mosfets, Vg=15v, (DPAK), as EVAL6482H board.One board with
STB80NF10T4 Mosfets
, Vg=15v, (D2PAK, a bigger mosfet).is
successfully activated
, motor runs, and FLG is not activated). (Led yellow On, Led Red Off)2) Board withSTB80NF10T4 Mosfets
runs fine when there is not any motor connected. (BSY flagis
successfully activated
, and FLG is not activated, Led yellow On, Led Red Off). But when I connect a PaP motor and I send a Move command, FLG signal is activated. (Led yellow Off, Led Red On) Then GetStatus() returns thisError: 0x00000603
Overcurrent event is right away activated, but there is no reason for this happen. What is happening?
2014-06-23 2:51 AM
I have used
VREG uses two condensers: 22uF and 100nFVDD uses one condenser: 100nFlike is meaned in UM1685 (pg.17)and I measured
VCCREG = 7,52 V
VREG = 3,30 V
2014-06-23 9:12 AM
As is shown in this image, the
is very simple: Two STM32F4 DISCOVERY boards, connected to this PCB boards. However, the resultsare totally different.
.. I ask to ST the same question once again: Is L6482H able to drive bigger Mosfets than STD25NF10T4 model?
Has this situation
been tested
by ST? Maybe I should stop trying to control these MOSFET, and use these smaller STD25NF10T4 Mostfet....2014-06-24 3:56 AM
Can you please post your drivers number on both boards?
I have 7B262 L6482 V5 PHL 11220It could be the different silicon version and any bug there, but in errata is nothing.2014-06-24 10:44 AM