Posted on June 24, 2014 at 12:56Can you please post your drivers number on both boards?I have 7B262 L6482 V5 PHL 11220It could be the different silicon version and any bug there, but in errata is nothing.
Posted on June 23, 2014 at 11:51I have usedVREG uses two condensers: 22uF and 100nFVDD uses one condenser: 100nFlike is meaned in UM1685 (pg.17) and I measured VCCREG = 7,52 V VREG = 3,30 V
Posted on June 19, 2014 at 15:09I have the some problems like ramirez_prieto.valen. I was not able to run L6482. The communication is good (checked on osciloscope). I read all of parameter back to uC and the numbers are the same. But I am still not ...