2014-03-23 3:37 AM
I have designed a board using a L6482 chip.
My L6482 has started, and I can send and receive messages a través de SPI bus, but now I have a problem: My STATUS register says:1110 0000 0000 0011
(Get Status Command = 0xE003). It means:OCD
= 1 --> overcurrentBUSY
= 1 --> StoppedHiz
= 1 --> Bridges in High Impedance State.The problem occurs
without connecting the
...! Just turn on the power, and my L6482 gets quite hot, but I have measured the total current of the board, and it is only 0.1 Amp.Configuration:
I have read AN4354 and UM1685 Application note and User Manual, in order to calculate config values of my board: OCD_TH = 1000mVTCC = 1200 nSg
IGATE = 64 mA TBLANK = 500 nSg TDT = 250 nSg I use 3.3v external power supply: VCCREG, VREG and VDDIO are connected to this 3.3v external power supply. I use VSREG and internal regulator for obtaining VCC=15v. VCC pin is unconnected. I am using Mosfets STB75NF75L with D2PAK package, of ST Microelectronics manufacturer. My Rsense =200mΩ
, is it a too high value? So I think the problem could be:Bad values in registers of configuration. (AN 4354, chapter 2.4: Too low gate charge to complete the Miller plateau region...?)
Bad connections of: Vs, VSreg, Vccreg, Vcc, Vdd, etc.......
2014-03-23 4:05 AM
Below explain how I have calculated my config values, for GATECFG1 and GATECFG2 registers:
From page 3 of STB75NF75L data sheet:Total Gate Charge Qg = 75 nC
If I choose gate current =64mA
:75 10^-9 = TCC * 64 10^-3
then:TCC = 1.17 uSg --> 1200 nSg
And from considerations of UM1685 User Manual, chapter 3.3:TBLANK = 500 nSg
TDT = 250 nSg From STB75NF75L data sheet:VCC = 15v
UVLO = 11vMoreover,
on the other hand
: My Rsense =200mΩ
¿is it a too high value? Reading UM1685 User Manual chapter 4, equation 5, if I want to use I motor max = 5 Amp,I
R sense = 0.5 * I motor max = 2.5 Amp R sense = 0.2v/2.5 = 80 mΩ I should change them forRsense = 80mΩ
for a peak of 0.1 volts of reference.2014-03-23 10:27 AM
These are my sttings:
OCD_TH = 1000 mV2014-03-25 5:58 AM
It is possible that some of the MOSFET are damaged. The maximum gate voltage of the STB75NF75L is 15 V, so driving it setting the VCC to 15 V could be dangerous. Check is the gate of some of the MOSFETs is shorted to the source, replace the damaged MOSFETs and set the VCC to 7.5 V. About the sense resistor: the size depends on the target current of your application AND the maximum power dissipation of the sense resistor (or resistors). In general you should work with a reference voltage of 0.2 V in order to obtain a good current control. In your case, if you want to drive your motor with a 2.5 Arms current (about 3.5 A peak) you should use a sense resistor in the range of 85-57 mOhm (0.2 V - 0.3 V of peak reference voltage). In this case the power dissipation on the sense resistor will be about 1 W. The schematic has something wrong. The bypass capacitor on the VCC pin is missing as like as the VS, VREG and VDDIO ones. I also suggest you to add a small capacitor (220 nF) on the supply of each full bridge. This helps reducing the electrical noise caused by commutations. Regards Enrico2014-03-31 8:42 AM
I have checked my Mosfet, and they are fine. Is there any other parameter for checking if a model of Mosfet is valid for using with this controller? Are there Mosfet (of this size) which are not suitable and other suitable? Is this model of Mosfet too big for L6482 controller? when I connect the board, L6482 says:OCD
= 1 --> overcurrentBUSY
= 1 --> StoppedHiz
= 1 --> Bridges in High Impedance State. Temperature of the chip grows and grows, and then it disconnects. When temperature go down enough, it starts again, and the process is repeated again and again. I am thinking in mounting a new and clean PCB, in order to verify connections again... Thank you so much for your suggestions about the scheme.2014-05-21 2:22 PM
I have manufactured a new pcb board, and now a very small motor -0.25 Nm- runs, with some flags activation, etc. but it turns, so I think board is ok (I have copied it from ST example).
but when I connect a 1 Nm stepper motor: Before Move command: Status: 0x00002203 (Fine) Move Command: Motor try to start, but suddenly it stops. After Move command: Status: 0x00002003 (UVLO flag low) What could be the reason of this error? My R sense is 0.05 ohms. Too low, perhaps? My power supply is strong enough, 24v 3.2 Amp. Thanks in advance,2014-05-26 1:36 AM
What is your configuartion in this case? Is it the same of the previous board? Regards Enrico2014-05-26 4:02 AM
Yes, I use the same configuration of Mosfets, parameters, etc.
In PCB board, I have also added an optional ADCIN voltage reference, for Torque regulation, copied from ST example, as well. Some few times, 1 Nm motor starts, but even in this case, it runs bad, its movement is not clean.2014-05-27 1:59 PM
Document UM1685 (manual of EVAL6482H)
, pg 28, says:
Note: When the VCC voltage of 7.5 V is used, the charge pump diodes should be replaced with low-drop ones (suggested part BAR43SFILM).
Otherwise the resulting boot voltage couldbe lower than the respective UVLO threshold and the device is not operative.
I am using VCC = 7.5v, and
double diodes (not specific low drop), so: Could be this issue, my problem?2014-06-04 5:26 AM
Could be. If you do not repleace the diodes the drop of the charge pump circuitry can triggers the UVLO protection.