2018-05-28 7:37 AM
i'm using the steval 3d printer board as prototype for my project, i need to use NEMA 23 motors and hold in torque for some time (even hours).
after 1 or 2 minutes the l6474 return overtemperature error, and remove the power from the motor.
i note this:
l6474 ia about 70-80�C
the bootstrap circuit overheat until 120�c, in particular the capacitor C_FLY is 125 deagrees.
i set this parameters:
TON_MIN = 4 us
TOFF_MIN = 21 usTOFF_FAST = 10 usFAST_STEP = 16 usTSW = 44 usSLEW_RATE L6474_CONFIG_SR_075V_us
but the temperature don't change.
can you help me?
Thanks in advance
#l6474 #steval-3d #stm322018-05-29 6:48 AM
What about the target current? What is the TVAL value?
2018-05-29 10:28 AM
hi Enrico,
/// L6474 torque regulation DAC reference current max value
♯ define L6474_TVAL_MAX_VALUE (4000)Matteo
2018-05-30 7:29 AM
Hi Matteo,
A continuous output current of 4 A will easily bring the device to the thermal shutdown, but you also say the charge pump circuitry overheats. It is anomalous even if the load current is set to maximum.
Please verify the following:
- VBOOT supply is ok (it should be 10 V above VS)
- The parameters you listed are properly set into the device (read back them using the GetParam command). The configuration can be changed only when the power stage is disabled.
2018-05-30 10:33 AM
hi Enrico,
VBOOT is 27.2 V
i power the board vith 18.2, so i think it's fine
which parameter you need?
2018-06-04 6:26 AM
You need to double-check if the parameters related to the current control algorithm are updated into the device or not:
TON_MIN = 4 us
TOFF_MIN = 21 us
TOFF_FAST = 10 us
FAST_STEP = 16 us
TSW = 44 us