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Hi, Does ST provide a ready to drive power electronic solution? I am looking for 3 Phase inverters with only power stage. I want to be able to use it with my control board. Regards

Associate II

Alternatively single phase inverters will also work. Only power board with gate drivers and switch protection is needed.

around 300Vdc link 5KW is sufficient.


I have purchased two units of this board now. Is there any way we can mount heat sink at the back of the PCB ? There is some perforation on the board (inside the yellow square in the following image) would some non contact, forced air type cooling serve the purpose? I do not need to run it for long time. It just need to withstand 20A for 10 min(after replacing the existing switches with STGD18N14LZT4).


Hi @Sumedh​ ,

the highlighted area in your picture identify the drain of the lo side switches (OUT traces).

As above mentioned you could use this area but you don't have the same space for the high side switches.

To improve the power dissipation you can use a vertical installation (power stage at the top) and a forced cooling convection.

Also 10 minutes are not so few, the board can reach high temperature.

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Right that's what I was thinking, I can mount these boards vertically and perform forced air cooling. Should the cooling fan be facing the switch side or the back side of the pcb?

Also, can you suggest any other board which has better thermal performance for the given ratings (300V and 25A) or has larger surface area for mounting heat sinks?

I don't mind purchasing a new board.

Thanks a lot for all your help!