2006-01-24 7:32 PM
2011-05-17 1:19 AM
I am a graduate student and I need some help figuring out what products I need for my research project. One of my goals is to run a 42 volt Brushless DC (BLDC) motor through the use of a microcontroller. After searching your website, I found documentation for the BLDC control and ways they can be implemented. However,I do not understand the differences within that particular family of microcontrollers in order to make a proper decision on the controller needed for my particular application. I was wondering what components I need to purchase to program the microcontroller, such as demoboards, power supplies, etc, and which microcontroller I need. Also, is there any software that must be purchased to develop for the MCU? Thanks, Matthew2011-05-17 1:19 AM
Dear user,
ST7MC is the best choice for starting with your project. It is an 8-bit MCU with an embedded hardware peripheral dedicated to motor control driving (both 3 phase AC Induction and BLDC/BLAC Permanent magnet motors). By navigating in our site, there is a lot of information dedicated to this micro: ANs, techinical manual, needed tools. Basically, there two complete and integrated environments that give the possibility to start practise yourself with the micro and related hardware for motor conontrol and then design your own application: a) ST7MC Softec Starter Kit, and b) ST ST7MC Reference design Kit. For the first one you can find complete documentation on Softec website; the second one is described in details at the following ST address: For sure one among the two indicated kits will match your needs! Best regards, Tanio2011-05-17 1:19 AM
There is a starter kit called AK-ST7FMC, available fr0m SofTec.
AK-ST7FMC -http://www.softecmicro.com/products.html?type=detail&title=AK-ST7FMC
The simply way is to ask them a quotation and for more details. Email:mailto:support@softecmicro.com