2006-03-31 2:29 AM
Can Port1.11 act as external interrupt
2006-03-30 8:54 PM
Port1.11 set as INPUT port ,Can it raise an external interrupt
triggering on the rising edge ?2006-03-30 9:20 PM
All the The IRQ & FIQ Interrupt vector are illustrated in table 23 & 24 (page 81/349) of the STR71x Ref Man Rev .7 regards, Hich2006-03-30 11:04 PM
Pls tell me whether Port1.11 can raise an interrupt when it setting as INPUT port and CONTROLLER AREA NETWORK is disable !
2006-03-31 2:29 AM
Hi jjmi,
As Table 26 page 103/349, P1.11 can be configured as an External Interrupt Line source. regards, Hich