2007-05-07 11:36 PM
2011-05-17 12:42 AM
Hi. After testing the UART demo program on a STR912-SK and checking that everything worked fine, I downloaded the program to a custom board with a STR911FM44X6. I did the adjustments on General Options (EWARM) to use the STR911, but now I have a baud rate problem.
At 9600bauds it works fine, but at 19200bauds I see some wrong characters. Beyond that speed, is pure garbage. The program is the same, except that I use GPIO6.7 for UART0_TX (with no RX) and I do an infinite loop in the transmitting sequence. The port setting is 115200, 8, N, 1. I've changed the 25Mhz crystals for different series and I've used 20Mhz crystals also( I did adjust the PLL setting), but the result is the same. Is there any other adjustment that I have to make to use the UART on a STR911 ? Mark.2011-05-17 12:42 AM
Hi. I was similar problem look in forum ''pll clock prblem str911fm44''
I unitie this problem: I create 91c_conf.h with correctly value crystal, and compile new library STR91X.lib in directory C:\RIDEarm\LIB\STRX project library exist in directory C:\RIDEarm\LIB\STRX\STR91X_LIB next i replace oryginal lib (for security, I rename oryginal lib) may by this help Yoy