2004-03-10 04:58 PM
2004-03-09 07:14 PM
I have defind:
MOTOROLA RAM1: SET1 DS.W 1 RAM0: END_RAM0 EQU $1E the following statement should get the Index for read the high byte of SET1 in a subroutine. CODE: ld Y,#{SET1-END_RAM0} ;{} = Index, 8-Bit ASM-Message: Error 54: Can't match Addressing mode 'ld Y,#{SET1-END_RAM0} ;' Subroutine: sub A,({END_RAM0+1},Y) ;8-Bit-Addr.(=$1f) + 8-Bit-Offset this line is correct in ASM Subr. obj-code is 90 E0 00 can sombody help me? regars Kurt2004-03-10 04:58 PM
Hi Habluetzel,
With the following declarations, segment byte at 80-FF 'ram0' .SET1 DS.W 1 .END_RAM0 EQU $1E and with the same instruction ld Y,#{SET1-END_RAM0} ;{} = Index, 8-Bit my assembler does not producing any error. I think there is a declaration error in your program. I could not clearly understand what is RAM1: & RAM0: in your code. Could you reply? --Krsel