2018-09-17 2:00 PM
After downloading STSW-BLUENRG1-DK v3.0.0 and installing on my windows 10 PC I can't open BlueNRG-1_Navigator.exe. When I double click on it nothing happens. But BLUENRG1_Wizard.exe does work.
During installation it failed to install the STMicroelectronics (usbser) Ports (04/25/2010 1.3.1), but this is used to give you a serial port when you plug in ST hardware.
I've tried running in windows 7 mode and/or administrator mode, but that didn't work.
2019-08-09 4:27 AM
Hi Winfred
Thanks for your reply.
All the latest relevant datasheets (eg Getting started with STEVAL dated July 2017 ) say the Blue NRG Navigator exe require " PC running one of the following
Windows XP SP3
Windows 7
Windows Vista "
As a start ST should issue updated datasheets to show that , in theory, it works fine with latest Windows including Windows 10 Home.
I started by installing on a Win10 PC and when it didn't run I tried it on an XP SP3 machine (because of what the datasheet says), and have now tried it on a desktop and laptop Win 10 and desktop and laptop XP SP3 and all do the same. But , as I said , a colleague installed it on a Win 10 laptop OK and we then looked for differences between our machines.
The original poster was to say that he couldn't get Navigator to run (and others said they had the same problem) The comment about the comport install failing was something of a diversion that you picked up on rather than answer the core problem. I also had some difficulty with the Virtual ST port install but found it was OK when I did a manual install. And my colleague's successful install on Win10 was without a STEVAL board or comport appearing under device manager.
This all points to some .dll or other missing on my machines which is present on others. All other ST exe that I have used over many years run OK and it's just this navigator program that has a problem. I just need to know what .dll s I need to install ! But I have to say that is poor of ST to issue a program that relies on something else being installed that not everyone will have.
And your comment about PyQt4 ... if I install a properties extension program it tells me that Navigator was developed with Visual Studio 2008 ...and hence the reason why I installed Visual Studio on my PC in the hope that would pull in the right .dll s .
As to my reasons for wanting to get Navigator running... this is simply because I'm trying to find my way around the STEVAL-IDB0071M board and the 'Getting Started' pdf tells me that this software suite is where I should start.
In essence I want to configure the STEVAL as Bluetooth master that can find and pair with a BT slave device and then send a hex string to get a data response. (To replicate a function I have running OK on an Android Smart Phone).
Are you saying there's a way past the Navigator start-up screen that will allow me to get to the sub-menu functionality?
I've now fired up BlueNRG GUI successfully and got it talking to the STEVAL board prior to us designing the STPBLE-1S module into a new product and I'm now learning how to use the GUI. But the fact remains I'd really like to see what Navigator can do for me. I would be grateful if you could run this by one of your developers who has worked on this. I'd be happy to give them extra info such as what Dependency Walker.exe is telling me.
kind regards
2019-08-11 7:59 PM
Hi Peter,
I forwarded the issue to developers if they can support.
> But I have to say that is poor of ST to issue a program that relies on something else being installed that not everyone will have.
I agree with you that its quality is not so good, and i also hope that by answering the questions in the forum may help compensate that a little bit.
If there is any useful feedback from the forum, it can also be provided as references to improve the tools, utilities, and documents gradually.
The utilities in DK including BlueNRG-1_Navigator has packed with required libraries, which can be easily found browsing to the installed folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\BlueNRG-1_2 DK 3.1.0\Application). It runs on clean OS, which means every Windows shall have all the required DLLs.
The causes of issues vary. It doesn't have to be missing DLLs.
Since i run the application on many laptops without seeing "can't run" issue, i think it will be similarly difficult for a developer to guess what is the root cause.
If we can provide something for example, steps to replicate the issue, it will be very helpful. i mean something like
> But the fact remains I'd really like to see what Navigator can do for me.
BlueNRG-1 and BlueNRG-2 Navigator PC applications provide an interactive to select and run demonstration applications for the resources available in the DK SW package.
For the same tasks, the Navigator is not required actually: you may simply start an explorer browse to corresponding folders for source code; flash by dragging and drop to the disk, with ST-Link, or BlueNRG Flasher; documents are available in PDF or HTML format.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
2019-09-02 11:43 PM
Hi Peter,
Would you please try to use the shortcut inside the "ST BlueNRG-1_2 DK 3.1.0" start menu folder to run the Navigator.
It is because a configuration file is required to start the program normally.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
2019-12-17 2:49 AM
Hello, I have the same issue with the BlueNRG-1_2 DK- and the driver for the virtual port COM.
The problem comes from the certificate of the driver which is obsolet (end of validity in 15/12/2010 in the stmcdc.cat).
Could you update this ?
Many thanks for your answer.
Best regards.
2020-06-02 1:12 PM
Hi @Winfred LU
I also have a problem for communicating with IDB007V2 development kit; when I connect it to my laptop (windows10/64bit), in device manager, it appears as a VCP. However, when I try to program it using a pre-build project in STSW-BLUENRG1-DK (BlueNRG-1 Navigator v 3.2.1), it seems that my laptop does not recognize the board because when I plug in the kit, nothing happen!
I also try Flasher utility (it hangs) and GUI (Baud rate problem) but non of them can help!
I also try to upgrade the firmware of USB_to_serial component as explained in release note but nothing changed!
It really blocks me for a few days! Really appreciated for any help in advance.