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ST-Link V2 Driver for Win11arm on Parallels on MacMini M4

Associate II

I'm searching for the ST-Link V2 driver to use on win11arm running on parallels on a MacMini M4.

The CubeProgrammer 2.19 directly installed on M4 macOS is properly working with the ST-Link-V2 or some nucleo boards for only programming use. But because I use IAR embedded Workbench for development and debugging I must have a working solution on the Win11arm platform (parallels) of my M4 machine. The driver of the CubeProgrammer 2.19 installation on win11arm platform don't work (windows device manager show: no driver installed). Is there anywhere a stable working solution from STM?

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Try to install the winusb driver manually, via the device manager (right click... update driver...) 

Unfortunately Microsoft just let the WoA users down with devices support. They should automatically recognize INF-only driver packages signed for Intel platform. Just as WoA supports running x86 and x64 applications. But they failed this, in their alternative wisdom.