2021-12-15 04:42 AM
PA11 and PA12 are powered from VDD_USB.
So, to use PA11 and/or PA12, we have to have the VDD_USB domain powered-up.
I can't find any documentation of the expected VDD_USB current draw when the USB functionality is not used.
In a previous project, I remember noticing that it did cause some extra current drain - but I don't recall how much.
So the question is: what is the expected VDD_USB current draw when the USB functionality is not used?
(this is with specific reference to the B-L072Z-LRWAN1 board - where PA12 is used to power the TCXO)
2021-12-15 04:54 AM
2021-12-15 07:27 AM
While it is a legitimate question, I believe that consumption of VDD_USB itself (without current flowing out of PA11/PA12) is negligible, see my reply in that other thread.
2021-12-15 07:32 AM
Shame it's not documented, though.
(and a shame that I didn't properly document my own findings in the previous project)
I guess I'll just have to measure it again ...
2021-12-15 08:44 AM
I have an 'L0 Disco on my desk (the one with the e-paper), and it would be an interesting exercise to measure - but, unfortunately, the target 'L053 has the VDD_USB pin hard connected to VDD...