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How to properly drive the VL53L0X into Sleep mode?

Associate III

The datasheet mentions putting the sensor into sleep by driving XSHUT low. measuring the power consumption shows that the power is consumed more when I connect XSHUT even when I drive it low by 200 microAmp. 

The XSHUT is normally pulled-up on the breakout board so no leakage is assumed.


Accepted Solutions
ST Employee

We just did a test using :

- a 53L0-SATEL-I1

 - a X-Nucleo-LPM0A1 board from ST for power consumption measurement as per the pictures below :



here are the results of our tests :


with the X-SHUTdown connected :

We got : 5.4 µA


And with X-SHUTdown disconnected we got :

We got : 6.1 µA




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ST Employee


If I understand : You wanted to measure the current when the xshutdown pin is forced to zero by the microcontroller. And you measure more than the value mentionned in the datasheet? What is the current value you were measuring.



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Associate III

Thank you Julien for your reply, i made 2 kinds of measurements one with XSHUT pin connected to the microcontroller & the Other I disconnected the pin. the firmware cycle is:

1- Wakeup (Ideal)

  • With XSHUT = 0.34mA
  • Without = 0.01mA

2- Measuring

  • Same for both = 14.5mA (With Budget 20mS).

3- Sleep

  • With XSHUT = 0.04mA
  • Without = 0.01mA

Based on this result, my decision was to leave the XSHUT unconnected (The Sensor is mounted on a breakout board with pull-up resistances). But I was hoping to have better power performance when using the XSHUT pin.

Thank you

ST Employee


Please confirm me. What is the microcontroller are you using ? When you say unconnected, do you mean that you do not control the xshut down pin but you connect this PIN to VCC via a pull up resistor?

If you always connect the the xshut pin to VCC how do you put the ToF in the sleep mode?

What do you mean the sleep mode ? If you want to gain in power consumption you need to put the ToF into the HW stdby mode (xshut = 0)

I measure today on the VL53L4CD, I get 19 mA in ranging mode and less that 0,1 uA in HW standby mode (xshutdown driven to zero by the microcontroller ). The VL53L4CD and VL53L0X have the similar electrical performance. I will do the same measurement on the VL53L0X.




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Please confirm me. What is the microcontroller are you using ?

I'm using ESP32 - but I take the measurement directly from the output of the sensor board.

When you say unconnected, do you mean that you do not control the xshut down pin but you connect this PIN to VCC via a pull-up resistor?

Yes, according to the schematic of the breakout board of the Sensor that I have:


If you always connect the xshut pin to VCC how do you put the ToF in the sleep mode?

By pulling the pin into GND (as mentioned in the Datasheet).

What do you mean by the sleep mode? If you want to gain power consumption you need to put the ToF into the HW stdby mode (xshut = 0)

I apologize for the mixing of terminology as I'm using many sensors and I put them all in the low power mode, but yes as you said, in the HW stdby mode (xshut = 0).

I measure today on the VL53L4CD, I get 19 mA in ranging mode and less than 0,1 uA in HW standby mode (xshutdown driven to zero by the microcontroller ).

The VL53L4CD and VL53L0X have similar electrical performance. I will do the same measurement on the VL53L0X.

I get the same measure for the ranging (time budget 33mSecand).


but the standby is much higher.


However when the Microcontroller goes into the deep sleep mode (the vdd to the sensor is off).


still don't know what prevents me from getting the less than 0.1uA !!

Thank you



I also using the  VL53L0X, and I can confirm that consumption of my board is 2.579uA in sleep mode without power to the VL53L0X and around 317uA when VL53L0X is powered and Xshut pin drived to low !!!

I can also say that when xshut pin is drived to high  and MCU in sleep mode that consumption is lower.

more than 1 year ago Mr AElgh  asked you to help him about the VL53L0X but you made test with VL53L4CD !

You said that you will do the same measurement with VL53L0X but a that time there is still no results and no clear information about how to drive Xshut pin and resistor need or not !

Do we need to make new initialisation of the sensor after Xshut goes high or not ?

Waiting for your prompt reply 


Do we need to make new initialisation of the sensor after Xshut goes high or not ?

XShut is not kidding. the logic in the senor is completely off and when you come out of reset you do need to a complete re-init. 

I'm going to guess that if you have a pull-up on the Xshut line, you need to burn power to pull it down. And that is where you are using the power. With the Xshut down held low, that senor is basically a brick. 

(but I'm a software guy, so please have a hardware guy check me.)

- john

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thx for your reply John,

I understand that need to do a re-init after Xshut held high .

1- This is not the 47K pull up resistor who burn 312uA !  

So why when Xshut is low there is still a consumption ?

2- please make a test with VL53L0X like Julien NGUYEN promised 1 year ago 


Associate II


so still no reply ?


Associate II

I also saw that consumption is higher when XSHUT is connected

But you know AElgh , they don't care !!!!!

we are talking about this since may 2022