Imaging (sensors)

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Forum Posts

Resolved! VL53L3CX BareDrive

In vl53lx_platform.c  functions VL53LX_WriteMulti() and VL53LX_ReadMulti()  are taking care of the VL53LX_COMMS_CHUNK_SIZE which was set to 56.So, data is send in telegram chunks if length exceeds this definition.I'm wondering if this is due to VL53L...

Mika17 by Associate
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Resolved! Error getting ranging data vl53l5x 8x8 mode.

When i measure my distance in 4x4 i don't have any issues at all. But I need to change it to 8x8 for my project.To my knowledge you only need to change the resolution with vl53l5cx_set_resolution() to 8x8 and adjust the frequency accordingly. I have ...

Jammer by Associate II
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Resolved! How to change data for VL53L8CX sensor

Hey, I am a beginner in all of this and have been trying to change certain parameters for my VL53L8CX sensor such as sharpening percentage, or converting its standard mm data unit to feet or inches, and I really can not figure it out. I am guessing i...

WHXTE6IX by Associate
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Resolved! How to use STSW-IMG035 Hand Posture?

Hello, I'm currently trying to use "STSW-IMG035 Turnkey gesture recognition solution based on VL53L5CX, VL53L7CX and VL53L8CX multizone Time-of-Flight ranging sensors" on my board. I have a NUCLEO-F401RE and XNUCLEO-53L8A1 expansion board. I'm very n...

Resolved! VL53L1X Calibration Effect

I am observing an unexpected reading issue. I am using Calibration and I use a physical distance to Calibrate.  However,  an object right in front of the sensor (1-20mm'ish away) reads a value of 0 (zero).  If I change the Calibration to physical dis...

will3 by Associate III
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STSW-IMG031 linux driver for VL53L4CX hosted anywhere?

Hi there,We want to use the VL53L4CX ToF sensor and I want to build the out of tree kernel module for the STSW-IMG031 (here) via Yocto recipe. Are the sources hosted anywhere on Github or elsewhere so I can clone the repo directly via Yocto rather th...

jgsandom by Associate
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