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Forum Posts

VL53L1X Interrupt not working, No measurements

Hi, I am having trouble with the interrupt. I manange to coummunicate via I2C and read Model ID and Type. But my problem is that i can't initiate the sensor via the VL53L1X_SensorInit() function in the Ultra Lite Driver I'm using. When I debug I see ...

How to use multiple VL53L5CX Sensors

Hello all,I am having difficulty using multiple VL53L5CX sensors on the same I2C bus on my Jetson Nano. I am able to get a single one working but not multiple. I am following the procedure in the documentation by pulling the LPn low of the sensor I d...

VL53L4CD not working with black glove

I am trying to use the VL53L4CD sensor in our application, however I am seeing that while using a black latex glove almost on top of the surface (distance of less than 5mm) that it reports distances > 300mm.  It seems to read okay with a range of 10m...

jmueller by Associate II
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VL53L5CX: Entering in LP mode

When powered with 3.6V (both AVDD and IOVDD), VL53L5CX does most of the time does not enter LP mode (via the I2C command).At 3.5V most of the time LP mode is entered correctly, and rarely - incorrectly. At 3.4V, LP mode is entered always correctly.Ac...

Balkana by Associate
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VL53L5CX _start_ranging() fails with 255 error

Hi all,For the last several days I have been battling this API for the VL53L5CX and finally reached the point where the initialisation passes every time. I proceed to set some of the configuration parameters (mostly resetting to the default values su...

ALohr.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Using VL53L4CX with Jetson Nano running Ubuntu 20.4

Hello!I have never used a Jetson Nano before and am rather unfamiliar with lower level programming. I have a VL53L4CX attached to the correct Jetson nano pins and can see the device when I run i2cdetect -r -y 1 at address 0x29. My question is whats n...

nate_s by Associate II
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VL53L5CX driver implementation

I want to limpet  VL53L5CX driver so i used VL53L5CX_SimpleRanging driver for reference. so i can Enable USE_BARE_DRIVER ? and i got proper output? or you can give any example code where USE_BARE_DRIVER used , so i can use it and implement.  Also be...

want to interface vl53l5cx sensor with nordic board

i want to interface vl53l5cx sensor with nordic Nrf52840 board but in stm project there are too many register read and write so just i want few register for get the distance from tof sensor so which minimum registers i have to configure ? and initial...

Resolved! About using the VL53L8CH

I have already purchased P-NUCLEO-53L8A1 and VL53L8CH. How should I join them together and read out the histogram data. Can you provide a detailed guideline or experiment video for me? 

Jsc by Associate II
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