I need to simply add VL53L0x API STSW-IMG005 to my project without any compilation errors. And need to know the necessary functions to get the distance.Regard
The general API user guide, UM2356 (rev 2), says that the min timing budget is 20ms, but the ultra-lite driver guide, UM2510 (rev2), says 15ms is the minimum. I've tested with 15ms (I'm using the ULD) and it seems to work fine, but just wanted to ma...
VL53L1X overshoot?In my initial testing with the VL53L1X, I'm seeing that by rotating the sensor from directly facing an object to facing the ceiling, which is well over the max distance away (I'm operating in 'short' mode, so that should be 1.3m), I...
Dear members,I am currently trying to interface Arduino Atmega 328p with VL6180X via I2C Bus. I have prepared basic code for reading Range value in single shot and continuous mode, it is working file. Now I changed I2C SCL to 100 KHz, 50 KHz, 20 KHz ...
May I use X-NUCLEO-53L1A1 with 53L0-SATEL-I1 and vice versa X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 with VL53L1X-SATEL
Hello I'm currently trying to create a driver for the mbed platform (especially the LPC1768, as I work with this one the most) and I wanted to know, if the following header files are actually needed:windows.htime.hSERIAL_COMMS.hAlso, are the log file...
Hi all,I'v modified the example of MultiSensorRanging in STM32CubeExpansion_53L1A1_V2.1.0. I'v fitted JMP U11 and U18, and modified the file X-NUCLEO-53L1A1.h as indicated.All sensors renging but only the centered generates interrups! #ifndef VL53L1A...
Hi all,Someone know if VL53L1X-SATEL have a cover glass or if it is necessary to buy apart?Thanks
Hi.Please help me with VL53l1.1) Is it possible to read distance from individual pixel or is it only some kind of interpolation of the 4 x 4 region?2) Is there a description of registers which should be modified (and how they should be modifi...